Come to the Cabaret! Looking for a night of hot live jazz music, dinner and dancing? Markoff Friday,May 5thonyour calendar for Argyle Secondary SchooPs23rdannualCabaretNight. Argyle's Cabaret N i g h t began as a last minute fundraiser to enable its 1983 Vocal Jazz C h o i r to attend " T h e Canadian Stage Band F e s t i v a l " , currently k n o w n as " M u s i c F e s t C a n a d a " , in Calgary. Selected only a month in advance for the festival, the choir urgently needed to raise $ 8 0 0 for the registration fee. Using leftover decorations from a H a w a i i a n themed Spring Concert, the vocal jazz students, led by c h o i r director Janet Warren, performed an inspired selection of jazz favourites for a small but appreciative audience o f family and friends at Fromme Elementary School. T h e evening was such a success that the following year another cabaret was held, this time at Argyle itself. Since those humble origins, Cabaret N i g h t has g r o w n to become the highlight o f the Argyle community's social calendar. This year, the theme is " A N i g h t at the M o v i e s " , featuring choral music from a wide variety of movie soundtracks including: " T h e Shoop Shoop Song (It's In H i s K i s s ) " from the movie M e r m a i d s , music from the Academy a w a r d - w i n n i n g movie C h i c a g o , Glenn Miller's "In The M o o d " , N a t K i n g Cole's "Orange C o l o u r e d S k y " , and the theme from " R o c k y " , among others. T h e evening also includes a formal set, compromised of jazz standards. The audience can expect a "truly Cabaret style atmosphere" says choir director Frances Roberts. Students and parents w o r k tirelessly during the week leading up to Cabaret night to transform Argyle's big g y m . By the end of their hard labour, decorations cover every w a l l , and tables and chairs for the dinner are positioned around a big stage, below w h i c h lies the dance floor. There's a fully catered dinner w i t h several choices, served by former Argyle students and a full bar. T h e atmosphere at Cabaret is relaxed and fun, with Cabaret goers dressing according to the theme of the evening. But perhaps the best part of the evening is that funds raised at 10 May | June Cabaret N i g h t go to the Argyle M u s i c Association which helps pay for music tours, among other events. T h i s year the senior music students toured A u s t r i a , and the trip w o u l d not have been possible without the money raised by the A M A . The Argyle music program is one o f the strongest on the N o r t h Shore, compromised of over 6 0 0 students, or approximately 1/3 of Argyle's student population. A l o n g with a band and choir for each grade, the junior and senior grades each boast a talented jazz band and choir. A t Cabaret though, only the jazz students and the women's ensemble, a choir run by former Argyle music student Jessica Duckies, perform. Such strong programs are made possible through the efforts of dedicated teachers like choir director Frances Roberts and bandleaders K e n Ö s t e r r e i c h e r and C h a d Smith. The students feed off the teachers' energy and enthusiasm while improving their o w n skills and performance abilities. Some students have shown such talent and determination they've gone on to pursue their dreams right to the top. Trevor Guthrie from the chart-topping group Soul Decision played trombone in the band, while members of C r o w n e d K i n g , a very popular rock band, were also part of the Argyle music program. AT: Cabaret WHERE: Argyle Secondarv School. North Van WHEN: Wednesday, May 3 0W: Tickets are $35.(» per person, call 604.90i.3JI HOW: Tic