Anne Marie Evers: QShelley Harrison Rae The Affirmations Doctor HEALTH, WEALTH, AND FOR LOVE, HAPPINESS EVERYONE Anne Marie Evers, North Shore author, columnist, counselor, teacher, media personality, and ordained minister, is also known as The Affirmations Doctor. She "loves prescribing affirmations of health, wealth, love, and happiness for everyone." H e r three books on the power of affirmations have helped readers find their paths to positive thinking, by offering them tools for living their lives easier. When asked how she got started on her own path of affirmations, Anne Marie admits, "It grew out of a very negative situation." H e r first husband was an alcoholic and she could see only three choices for survival: "drink with him, take the kids and leave him, or find other interests." Evers realized her children did not deserve another alcoholic parent, her extended family was not in a position to take care of them, and " i n those days, it was very difficult to find a place that would take a mother and two children." She opted for her third choice; to find other interests. These new interests included meditation, yoga, astral traveling, creative visualization, writing, reflexology, and other healing disciplines. Her quest for knowledge led her to books about positive thinking and affirmations. She says, "I was so intrigued; I started doing affirmations, half wondering if they would really work. I was amazed at what happened in my life. M y affirmations started coming true. Her husband did not stop drinking, but Anne Marie was able to change the way she viewed him; he sensed the change and some things did Anne Marie Evers improve in their home. She continued using affirmations and now "could not imagine life without them." She reiterates, " O u t of a negative situation, I learned about affirmation power and how to use it. 1 now feel it is my place to help those who wish to learn and use this extraordinary power." Evers began working in the personal growth field, turning people on to "the power of affirmations, creative visualization, goal-setting, positive thinking, self-esteem, attracting perfect careers, relationships and abundant health." Her teachings come bound in her books: Affirmations, Your Passport to Happiness, Affirmations, Your Passport to Lasting, Loving Relationships, and Affirmations, Your Passport to Prosperity/Money. She also co-authored the #1 Best Selling Series - Wake Up...Live the Life You Love in Spirit - with Steven E., Deepak Chopra, Dr. Wayne Dyer, and Terry-Cole-Whittaker. Evers presents children's programs, workshops, and seminars and has appeared on T V and radio talk shows in Canada, and the United States. She answers hundreds of emails every week, "helping people write affirmations and giving them hope" through her several websites. MAY/JUNE 2 0 0 6 EVENTS Changes C i t y S c a p e Community Art S p a c e to May 27 A n n H a e s s e l , Barbara West and Vickie Newington, members of the artist collective "The Free Spirits", use a variety of fibre art techniques to explore urban and natural environments. Art Rental al coda! C i t y S c a p e Community Art S p a c e June 2 to June 18 O p e n i n g Reception: J u n e 1, 7-9pm The semi-annual exhibition of the art rental collection hung salon-style, featuring over 250 original art works for rent from$8 to $ 3 5 per month. Art in Public Places District Hall of North Vancouver, 3 5 5 West Q u e e n s R o a d May 4 to J u n e 1 - A n n e Marie Gibel & Beryl Hickinbottom Art in the Garden Tour 2006 Saturday, M a y 27 & Sunday, M a y 28, 12noon-5pm A self-guided garden tour of the North Shore, featuring amazing gardens, talented & diverse visual artists & musicians. Call the N V C A C to obtain a free brochure with map. North Vancouver Community Arts Council & CityScape Community Art Space 335 Lonsdale A v e n u e «o«y mk^w. North Vancouver, B C V 7 M 2 G 3 T: 604.988.6844 F: 604.988.2787 Email: ttSSSSX.,,,..,,.J*- WHO: Anne Marie Evers, author, teacher, ordained minister WHAT: Affirmations. Your Passport to Happiness (new 6th edition) available in book stores WHERE: Affirmations International Publishing Co., 4559 Underwood Ave., North Vancouver, BC V7K 2S3 A/hjJtJttt^i. 9 /f'VfOWliM WEBSITE: EMAIL: May | June 9