Creative Spaces Visit North Shore Artists in their Studios Gary Eder " S k i i n g and p a i n t i n g " is how, with a chuckle, G a r y Eder describes the blissful arrangement of his daily life in retirement. N o t a bad way to spend the years he has earned through hard w o r k and committed practice. Gary studied at the Vancouver A r t School and Capilano College and is a member of the N o r t h Shore Photographic Society, West Vancouver Sketch C l u b , the Canadian Photo Club and the N o r t h Vancouver Arts Council. For most of his career in Canada, this German-born artist operated an interior design and painting company. When not decorating homes and offices, he painted portraits, landscapes and still life, collecting awards for his work from all over Canada and Europe. H e painted in oils for many years but has lately turned to watercolours and acrylics in a commitment to avoid the use of solvents. "I had to get away from turpentine!" A n avid photographer for the last 15 years, G a r y has offered hands-on workshops to budding photographers on how to capture snow, flora and fauna o n film. A s a photography club member, he has taken great pride in acting '/ Colours on the Lake by Gary Eder (acrylic on canvas) Lynmour Gallery (Gary's as a photo judge a n d selecting other photographer's w o r k to enter into competitions. Influenced by w a t e r c o l o u r painters K i f f H o l l a n d a n d Paul Degen, G a r y currently paints landscapes, harbours a n d ships, many taken from his o w n photographs. Last year G a r y decided to utilize the top-floor suite of his building on C r o w n Street as a studio space and gallery where he showcases his o w n w o r k and provides space for other artists to exhibit w o r k . L y n m o u r Gallery shows change bimonthly. O n weekends from 12-5pm G a r y paints watercolors and opens his studio/gallery to the public. WHO: Gary Eder WHERE: Lynmour Gallery, #301 -1467 Crown Street, North Vancouver, 604.929.4001. Open weekends 12-5pm Peggy's Cove by Gary Eder (acrylic on canvas) s Sacred Places Exhibition Nona's ART (·/'('(celions Paintings, sculptures, fused glass & prints by Karpi Luciana Alvarez Miro Matiasho Vojislav Morosan Shauna Woolley Atza & Nadja Visnjic Vladimir Ekimov Dale Rollings Kateryna Yanova Rada Yaroslavsky Gerry Thompson And more For R S V P : Dale Rollings, Shauna Woolley (photographers) April 16 - 29, 2006 Opening reception April 25th 6:30pm - 9:30 pm (all artists) Silent auction for Children's hospital charity. Please join us for a glass of wine and entertainment. Address Vancouver Public Library, 350 W. Georgia St $ 1 0 t i c k e t s at t h e door. Lana Nechayev ART AGENT 604 782-5140 March | April