Speculum by Roger Watt (pencil) Ella by Frankie Watt Detail from Hydrant by Roger Watt (pencil) C reative Art R ehabilitative E xpression Aita Therapy Centre www.AitaCentre.com 209 Lonsdale Avenue 604 - 987 - 7212 We provide therapeutic and rehabilitative programs and services to older adults with physical and/or cognitive frailty and their caregivers. Dylan The Eldercollege Theatre C o m p a n y presents Sidney M H ijj^P Damon Calderwood is Dylan Thomas Theatre School "To train and prepare children for their future roles in life, whatever . those may be? An Intergenerational directed Collaboration by Dick Mells April 1 8 - 2 9 DANCE SINGING DRAMA , Now Enrolling for Spring * Semester & Summer Camps * BC'S BIGGEST MUSICAL THEATRE SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN Matinees: A p r i l 22 & 29 Tickets: $16/$ 14 I Leftover Life to Kill n s Dylan Thomas in America P r e s e n t a t i o n H o u s e · North Vancouver B o x O f f i c e 604.990.3474 ¡nfo@stagecraft.ca 604.267.SCTS«604.762.2491 www.stagecraft.ca VANCOUVER, NORTH SHORE, WHISTLER & KELOWNA March | April