Arts Alive, 1 Mar 2006, p. 8

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Gillian Barber Directs Children of Eden John C a i r d (Les Miserables) and Stephen Schwartz's (Godspell, Pippin) two-act musical play Children of Eden begins " i n the beginning:" when G o d created the Heavens and the Earth and placed A d a m and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Heartfelt and humorous. Children of Eden examines family and relationships through the characters of A d a m , Eve, N o a h and the " F a t h e r " w h o created them. W i t h an ensemble of singing and dancing storytellers. Children of Eden is loosely based on stories from the first nine chapters of Genesis, including the creation of the w o r l d , A d a m and Eve's expulsion from the G a r d e n of Eden, the conflict between C a i n and A b e l , and N o a h and his family's survival of the great f l o o d , and all the animals that journeyed with them on the A r k . Children of Eden may be based on w e l l - k n o w n Bible tales, but the themes addressed are universal. The story is a funny, m o v i n g and honest portrayal of how these wellk n o w n families deal with children, g r o w i n g up, m a k i n g decisions, accepting responsibility and learning that parents don't always have all the answers. The Exit 22 production of Children of Eden is directed by G i l l i a n Barber with musical direction by K e v i n M i c h a e l C r i p p s , choreographed by Shelley Stewart H u n t , set design by Dave Winstanley, lighting design by Des Price and costumes by K i m Bothen. WHAT: Children of Eden WHEN: March 9-18 WHERE: Capilano College Performing Arts Theatre TICKETS: Capilano College Performing Arts Theatre INFO: Theatre West Van Moves into the Kay Meek Studio Theatre w i t h a Canadian Comedy by Playwright Norm Foster Theatre West V a n (aka West Vancouver Little Theatre G u i l d ) w i l l celebrate its 60th anniversary later this year. Even more cause to celebrate w i l l be a home of its o w n - the brand s p a n k i n g new K a y M e e k Studio Theatre. O n Friday, A p r i l 21,Theatre West V a n w i l l open this new facility with the comedy Office Hours, by the highly successful C a n a d i a n p l a y w r i g h t N o r m Foster, while a w a r d - w i n n i n g Paul K l o e g m a n returns to the director's chair. Theatre West Van has been somewhat of a nomadic troupe, using the o l d Rec Centre in West Vancouver and then Presentation House Theatre in N o r t h Vancouver for their pro8 March | April ductions. But lack of performance space has never kept Theatre West Van d o w n . Presenting one production a year, the club has acquitted itself with honours, w i n n i n g four Best Production and many individual awards at the Theatre B C N o r t h Shore Z o n e Festival of Plays, and seven major awards at Theatre BC's M A I N S T A G E Provincial D r a m a Festival in the past nine years. T h i n k i n g back, in 1976 West Vancouver Little Theatre, as it was then k n o w n , gave a theatrical start to Brenda Robbins w h o went on to fame and fortune in stage, radio and television across C a n a d a . Theatre West Van should be p r o u d . Theatre West Van will open their 60th anniversary season in November by presenting the American classic You Can't Take It With You by George S. K a u f m a n and M o s s Hart. A w a r d winning Bill Elliott will direct. If you would like to be part of this exciting group, contact President Dave Barker at 604.926.9730 or WHAT: Theatre West Van presents Office Hours. April 21-May6 WHERE: Kay Meek Studio Theatre HOW: Tickets S18/S1S from 604-257-0366 or