Arts Alive, 1 Nov 2005, p. 11

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First Impressions Theatre in Deep Cove The award-winning First Impression Theatre C o m p a n y is the exception to the rule " y o u only get one chance to make a first i m p r e s s i o n . " They took the name from their first production in 1983 and have continued to make a g o o d impression ever since. T h e i r goal was, and is, to perform and promote interest in c o m m u n i t y oriented theatre. The original company members, N e i l Boucher, Warde Ashlie, Eric Rosen, and M i c h a e l and Eileen Smith met through Theatre West. They started performing at Presentation House in N o r t h Vancouver, then James C o w a n Theatre in Burnaby, finally m a k i n g a permanent home in the Deep Cove Shaw Theatre. The Smiths n o w co-produce all First Impressions productions; M i c h a e l manages the technical side while Eileen handles the p r o m o t i o n . Eileen emphasizes, "It's the people w h o make the company, and it is so exciting to have k n o w n all those who got their start w i t h First Impressions." T h e y rely on a loyal w o r k f o r c e on and off the stage and credit Darlene Manchester, stage manager or director of every p r o d u c t i o n , as " of the backbones of the company." O n stage in N o v e m b e r : First Impressions presents, for the first time i n B C , " a n a m a z i n g cast" performing Dear Santa; N o r m Foster's m o d e r n C h r i s t m a s story for all ages. Dhr Santa - Illustration by Rita ArhipoiL WHAT: First Impressions Theatre Company WHERE: Deep Cove Shaw Theatre, 4360 Gallant Ave, Deep Cove TICKETS/INFO: 604.929.9456 WEB: Deep Cove Stage Society The Deep Cove (DC) Stage Theatre C o m p a n y debuted in Burrard V i e w School, and then performed for ten years in the D C C o m m u n i t y H a l l . The hall doubled as a fire station and depot for the D C Stage Bus from which the company took its name. They n o w share the Deep Cove Shaw Theatre where past president, A n n Booth says they've been a vehicle for "knitting the community together." In 1981 A n n was asked by a neighbour to "help paint a little bit of scenery." She discovered a fascination with set design and a talent for "creating the atmosphere for the actors." She has remained a member ever since. After experiencing almost every role a theater has to offer, A n n realizes the "more that 5000 man hours it takes per season" and says they " w o u l d never survive without all their volunteers" w h o perform and produce each show. She describes D C Stage as "an organic blending of personalities that grow close during every nail-biting product i o n " leading up to opening night which always proves to be great fun. The Company does four plays each year including their annual British Pantomime--a Deep Cove tradition for more than twenty years. O n stage December 15 through Christmas 2005, is " W i n d in the W i l l o w s " directed by Ann Booth. WHAT: Deep Cove Stage Theatre Company WHERE: Deep Cove Shaw Theatre, 4360 Gallant Ave, Deep Cove VJCxJ H O N D A expect certain things. innovation design simplicity reliability fuel e c o n o m y W h e n you drive a H o n d a , you e x p e c t c e r t a i n things. Like s m a r t , innovative engineering, A clean, l e s s - i s - m o r e s i m p l i c i t y of d e s i g n . U n c o m m o n reliability A n d lots of car for the p r i c e . T h e 2005 C i v i c S e d a n g i v e s you all of that, a n d m o r e . E x c e p t i o n a l fuel e c o n o m y . N H T S A 5-Star S a f e t y rating, a n d s t r o n g r e s a l e value C l a s s i c H o n d a v a l u e n e v e r l o o k e d or felt better. Pacific Honda 816AutomallDr North Vancouver s<ktiiMwig «m 9*40331 £ ^ KMw'we vmwpaaik-hoodaxon, TICKETS/INFO: 604.929.3200 November | December