Arts & Culture Commission of c u Peggy Stortz NOrth VanCOUVer A Foundation for the Arts 0 The N o r t h Shore is home to a thriving arts community. The evidence is everywhere - in the galleries where visual artists display their w o r k s , in the theatres where entertainers share their magic, and in the cafes where poets speak their truths. W h a t isn't so evident is the agency that supports these artists. entertainment by local performers. One or more artists who have excelled nationally are recognized with the F A N S Honouree A w a r d . The D o n S. Williams Cash A w a r d is also presented to assist an up and coming artist in his/her chosen discipline. The F A N S capital fund now exceeds $50,000. The Judy Dennis C u l t u r a l Volunteer A w a r d honours citizens w h o donate their time to the enrichment of our cultural community. A n artist in her o w n right, Dennis, first recipient of this a w a r d , volunteered extensively. There is also a Judy Dennis Fund for emerging artists. As well as all this, the A C C N V administers arts assistance grants for non-profit arts organizations. This year 33 local organizations benefited from this program. Arts Alive M a g a z i n e , published bi-monthly, features articles on artists, arts organizations and other issues affecting the arts community. Free to the public, the magazine helps build audiences, awareness and support for the arts., is a valuable resource for people interested in the arts and cultural scene on the N o r t h Shore. This website provides extensive information about the C o m m i s s i o n as well as the arts c o m m u n i t y in general, public events, and funding for the arts. The A C C N V staff manages the website, including artists' homepages and events calendars. There is a lot of hard w o r k involved, but members of the C o m m i s s i o n are happy to give of their time and energy. "It's just normal citizens w i t h a passion for the arts," says John M o o r e , w h o heads up the promotions committee. "It's a wonderful way to give back to the community." Eugenia Torvick agrees. "I do it because I love it," she says. Ken L i m , the current chair of the A C C N V describes the commissioners as people w h o have a drive to contribute and passion for the arts. "Because we are volunteers," he reflects," we are not subject to economic or political pressures. We can act objectively on behalf of the people of N o r t h Vancouver." j ^ ^ . ...the accnv facilitates the growth of the arts as an industry as well as an expression of personal creativity. The Arts &C Culture Commission of N o r t h Vancouver's ( A C C N V ) mandate is "to be an advocate, catalyst, developer, facilitator, promoter, policy maker, programmer, advisor, consultant, strategist and enabler for, and of, arts and culture as an economically significant and essential component of the N o r t h Vancouver community." Their logo, a compass, denotes guidance and direction for artists and lovers o f the arts. Established in 1988, the A C C N V is funded by both N o r t h Vancouver municipalities and run by a volunteer board of 13 commissioners - artists, businesspeople and other professionals. This advisory board w o r k s closely with municipal governments on issues affecting the cultural community. "It's your municipality supporting the arts," says L o r i Phillips, interim C o m m i s s i o n director. T h r o u g h a variety of public and behind the scenes activities, the A C C N V facilitates the growth of the arts as an industry as well as an expression of personal creativity. One highly visible achievement of the A C C N V is the annual Arts Symposium. T h e two-day event provides artists with opportunities for marketing, n e t w o r k i n g and educating themselves about what's new and innovative in their discipline. This concentration of stakeholders gives the C o m m i s s i o n a chance to consult with them on emerging ideas, policies and strategies. The Commission administers the Fund for Artists on the N o r t h Shore ( F A N S ) , created to honour and benefit local artists. Funds are raised at a yearly gala held in the early fall which celebrates the diversity of talent through an exhibition of visual art and first class WHAT: The Arts and Culture Commission of North Vancouver WHY: Advocate for the arts and artists of North Vancouver CONTACT: 604.980.3559 or November | December 9