art matters Search for Essential Elements July 16-August 15. 2004 Opening Reception: Thursday July 15, 2004, 7 - 9 pm This exhibit features 14 members of the Sculptor's Society of British Columbia working in bronze, mixed media, stone, alabaster, wood, concrete and granite. SUMMER EVENTS Williams 2004 DonS. Award August 20 - September 12, 2004 Opening Reception: Thursday August 19, 2004, 7 - 9 pm This exhibit includes ceramic art. sculpture, drawings and prints. Proyecto Arte Del Fuego's Cuban-Canadian Ceramic Art Collective Money Available For North Shore Artists Of All Disciplines The D o n S. W i l l i a m s A w a r d (formerly t h e FANS Artistic Merit Award) made possible from the is s e e k i n g investment submissions for its annual award program i n c o m e of t h e Fund Art in Public Places District Hall of North Vancouver July 8 - September 2, 2004 - Vanishing Versatile - Second Story Art Group Art Rental Exchange Days 12 - 4 pm July 29, 30, 31, August 26, 27, 28 Wild Lights Lantern Festival Friday August 20, 2004 - Edgemont Village Celebrate the summer in a festival of lights, music and dance! Lantern Workshop 7 - 9 pm, Lantern Parade 9 pm followed by a spectacular fire show performed by Public Dreams. Lantern Workshops Make your own lanterns for the Wild Lights parade! Workshops will be held during July and August at Capilano Mall, Park Royal Mall, Lynn Valley Mall, and Edgemont Village on the night of the Wild Lights event. Call 604-988-6844 for dates and times. North Shore International Film Series The next season begins Wednesday September 2 2 , 2 0 0 4 Call the N V C A C for more information. North Vancouver Community Arts Council & CityScape Community Art Space 335 Lonsdale Avenue North Vancouver, B C V 7 M 2 G 3 T: 604.988.6844 F: 604.988.2787 Email: for the Arts on the North Shore. In 2 0 0 3 , t h e FANS Society gave t w o awards of $ 1 0 0 0 each. Purpose: The 2 0 0 4 A w a r d is i n t e n d e d t o assist o n e o r m o r e N o r t h Shore artist(s) in his/her c h o s e n f i e l d . Criteria f o r A p p l i c a t i o n : · Eligible artists m u s t be active in t h e i r particular discipline a n d intend t o pursue a future in that discipline. · Applicants must be resident o n t h e North Shore, or have t h e majority of t h e i r creative w o r k t a k e p l a c e o n t h e N o r t h Shore. · FANS Society Board M e m b e r s , A C C N V C o m m i s s i o n e r s , A C C N V Staff, A C C N V Contractors, M u n i c i p a l Councillors and all families thereof are not eligible t o apply. Deadline: Thursday, August 19, 2004 @ 3pm Return c o m p l e t e d a p p l i c a t i o n t o : The FANS Society 3 3 5 Lonsdale A v e n u e , N o r t h Vancouver, B C , V 7 M 2 G 3 Phone: 604-980-3559 Fax: 6 0 4 - 9 8 0 - 3 5 6 5 Applications and more information CONTINUING STUDIES THE FUTURE BELONGS TO CREATIVE THINKERS · > S I G N A L S OF INTENT: S U S T A I N ABILITY A N D DESIGN > D E S I G N A N D C O N S T R U C T I O N O F WOOD F U R N I T U R E July 5 · 23 // A three-week intensive workshop; offered in partnership with BCIT ON BOOK A R T S > S U M M E R INSTITUTE > F I R S T NATIONS A R T A N D D E S I G N > S U M M E R INSTITUTE FOR T E E N S ARTISTS -> E N G L I S H FOR V I S U A L DR A R T S E R I E S August 2-27 // Develop drawing, painting and English language skills -) S U M M E R STUDIO FOR T E A C H E R S August 16-19 // Creative workshops for all curriculum areas. Visit our web site or call for a brochure for full details on these and many other summer course offerings. available at the a b o v e address or o n l i n e at w w w . n o r t h v a n a r t s . c o m ANIMATION // CERAMICS // COMMUNICATION DESIGN // DIGITAL MEDIA // DRAWING // INDUSTRIAL DESIGN // INTEGRATED MEDIA // PAINTING // PHOTOGRAPHY // PRINTMAKING // SCULPTURE FANS is an open fund to which any person may contribute. As a registered receipt chanty, Foundation for all the North Shore Community will issue a tax-deductible donations received for FANS. EMILY CARR INSTITUTE T E L . 6 0 4 844 3 8 1 0 EMAIL. C S I N F 0 @ E C I A 0 . C A WEB CS.ECIAD.CA J u l y I A u g u s t 7