He also happened to audition with I flj and Goyer share the same Phil Trasolini ^ » I Oft may and both actors wound up getting their parts. Trasolini birthday, which account partly for the good feeling between them during the production. Writer, director and producer Polo later told Goyer he got I the part because she enjoyed his energy, but didn't overdo it. She feels that Goyer kept Eddie human. I Lately, Goyer is still going to auditions. He has had good feedback from an audition tape sent to various casting directors. Michael H. Walker, w h o attended Capilano College, am P landed his first role eight years ago when he played Rolf in The Sound of Music for the Victoria Operatic Society. He went to the first auditions for The Big Bank Theory where he and another actor (who didn't get into the picture) read the parts of Eddie and Boo. The second time around, he had been slotted to audition as the Parole Officer. Walker says the biggest decision he had to make at these tryouts was whether to be over-the-top and quirky, or to approach it more subtly. Fortunately for him, he chose quirky and over-the-top. I I f m U BJ I ^ _ I P · IB Walker is currently in the chorus for the opera, Daughter of The Regiment, in Vancouver. Besides his numerous film and theatre roles, he has also had quite a background in opera and musical theatre. Come the new year, he will be in a short, locally-produced film. Both actors feel that audiences of all ages will appreciate The Big Bank Theory, because it is entertaining and | ·) IB I funny. Goyer feels that the relationship between Eddie drives the story. Eddie is an "everyman" striving to succeed. I I ·J VJ I The Big Bank Theory, currently in post production, will be ready for release by late spring 2003. There will be local showings in Whistler, Squamish and Vancouver, before going on to the festival circuit. In the meantime, Polo is looking for an associate producer to help fund the post production. She's also looking for corporate investors and/or private institutions I I flj I V I I or individuals. For grants and cash, Sea to Sky Entertainment offers a 100 percent tax write-off scenario a m . and a first place return for cash with another top up · after cash is recouped, or for equity partners she offers profit sharing. I Positive 1 · L o s e Weight / Stop Smoking / Reduce Stress y Accelerate Learning · Increase Sales /Conquer Fears and Phobias / Improve Confidence W For a sneak preview: go to Website is http://www.treasuremountain.net/bigbanktheory H For more information, contact Adrianne Polo, Producer, (604) 898.5930 or email:apolo@shaw.ca. Call now for your FREE Hypnotic Screening TEL: 604-982-0777 105-145 West 15th Street, North Vancouver May I J u n e I I M P O R T A N T : Our program will be tailored to fit your individual needs, (hererore, we cannot make accurate tee assessments over the telephone