Now here it is, a year after the application was mailed in and the "Tarts" are mounting their second production: Hunter's Canadian Transit of playwright Maureen LEFT TO RIGHT: S A R A H HENRIQUES AS CELESTE A N D K E N R E M A R K AS D E M A R A I S . Venus. The cast is a little larger and includes Sarah Henriques, Christopher Bancroft, Ken Remark and Teresa Weir. For the most part, all are newcomers to Vancouver area stages. Joining them is director Trevor Devall, w h o was so memorable as the mad doctor in ' Science and Madness. What is Transit of Venus about? Much like Theatre Tart's history it concerns the distances we've come and the journeys we are willing to make. The play is set in the France of 1760, a time when travel was a life-threatening experience, when the heavenward gaze of the church was being superseded by that of science, and when there was romance in waiting for love. Maureen Hunter has created a moving account of how real-life astronomer Guillaume Le Gentil set out to sail across two oceans during a naval war, to observe the rare passage of Venus in front of the sun. For the first time in history, the exact distance of the sun would be known. To make this journey, he leaves behind his mother, an ex-lover, and his young fiancee. His home becomes a microcosm of the solar syste - the women's lives orbiting his, waiting for his return. As they help in his preparations to leave, each hopes that their love will secure him at home. Like spring, with life beginning again, ·fi «fi «fi ·fi ·fi ·fi «fi Positive e? / Lose Weight / Stop Smoking · Increase Sales / Conquer Fears and Phobias y Improve Confidence y Reduce Stress y Accelerate Learning Call now for your F R E E Hypnotic Screening T E L : 604-982-0777 105-145 West 15th Street, North Vancouver IMPORTANT: Our program will be tailored to fit your individual needs, therefore, we cannot make accurate fee assessments over the telephone Theatre Tart blossoms in this co-production. With Presentation House Theatre nurturing young companies what other exciting art will bloom in North Vancouver? What: Transit Production of Venus, a Theatre Tarts When: Tuesdays to Saturdays, March 27 to April 12. Curtain is 8pm with 2 pm matinees on April 5th and 12th. How: To reserve tickets call 604.990.4374. SI5 adults, S11 students and seniors. Tuesdays are 2 for 1, and Saturday April 5th matinee is pay-what-you-can. For more information about Theatre Tart check out Where: Presentation House Theatre, 333 Chesterfield Avenue, North Vancouver. ¿1 «fi P r e s e n t a t i o n 3rd H o u s e G a l l e r y Vancouver 604.986.1351 g a l l e r y h o u r s : w e d - s u n 12 to 5, t h u r s 12 to 9 & C h e s t e r f i e l d , North Sponsored by City of North Vancouver the District of North Vancouver, the District of West Vancouver, the North Shore Arts Commission, the GVRD, the BC Arts Council and the Canada Council for the Arts