holiday giftS | by Ruth Griffith What Do You Give t h e A r t i s t in Your Life? Choosing especially specific gifts f o r an a r t i s t c a n be tricky, has very if t h e i n t e n d e d and recipient interests activities. What t o do? Don't be afraid! Talk to other artists, ask what their favourite gifts have been to get or to give. Visit a local art supplies store and you will encounter knowledgeable enthusiastic experts w h o can steer you towards the right solution. PACIFICO $ee our Larçe Selection of Premium Used Can & Trucks fUliy EflGMD DRIVE-THRU 5ERVIOE OEflTRE Sales & Leasing: (604) 984-0331 Parts: (604) 987-1011 Service: (604) 987-4618 www.pacilic-honda.coni 816 Automall Drive, North Vancouver Anniversary 2$ Sets, the simple s o l u t i o n . Artist Sets fill a variety of needs for all levels. There are sets o f watercolour, o i l , and acrylic paints. Pencil sets, silkscreening sets, glass paint sets, economical sets, high-priced sets. Gift Horse Gallery Brand New Location 1826 Lonsdale Avenue North Vancouver, BC From Art Cards to Zipper Pulls, Gift and home accessory ideas for every taste, all Handcrafted in BC. Over 50% North Shore Artists Pottery, Original Art, Prints, Stained Glass, Blown Glass, Folk Art, Art Cards, Jewelry, Wind Chimes, Table Accessories, Raku, Candles, Wood Carvings and many more one-of-a-kind items Big Ticket Items A Big Ticket item can be a small thing in size, or it may be a big thing; however, the " b i g " we are talking here is the price. A sampling of some of the most popular choices for Big Ticket purchases other than sets include easels, drawing tables, high quality brushes, and equipment boxes. Ralph Mayer. Recommended for students: portfolios and presentation cases. For the serious artist: The Artist's Handbook, by Gift Certificates Opinion is divided about Gift Certificates. Many feel that they are too impersonal, while others feel they are a fine gift. Hint: combine a Gift Certificate with a stocking stuffer to personalize things a bit. For m o r e i d e a s , v i s i t t h e n e w l y o p e n e d Opus F r a m i n g & A r t S u p p l i e s o n t h e 2 n d Floor, 120 L o n s d a l e , N o r t h V a n c o u v e r . SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ARTISTS! N o v e m b e r | D e c e m b e r 7