Arts Alive, 1 Mar 2002, p. 22

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in that t h e skilled hand is in there m a n i p u lating w h a t y o u see." Over t h e last t w o decades t h e e x h i b i tions at Presentation House have reflected this shift. O n t h e shelf in Jeffries' office stand catalogs of t h e s h o w s that the gallery has either put together itself or bought offthe-peg from other institutions. They include the W o r l d Tea Party, R u n n i n g Fence (documenting the U.S. border w i t h M e x i c o ) , p o s t cards of B.C., a n d portraits by C D . Hoy, a Barkerville photographer w h o s e w o r k a hundred years a g o caught t h e startling s i m i larities b e t w e e n the native peoples o f B.C. a n d t h e Chinese. Presentation House Gallery has p u b lished fifty-three catalogs to date, a n d p r o duces about three a year. It's a time-consuming process, but o n e that Jeffries considers essential t o t h e gallery's purpose. " E x h i b i t i o n s have o n e fatal flaw, w h i c h is that they are usually only up for a short time. A n d not everybody happens t o be a r o u n d at that time. In fact, s o m e of a s h o w ' s best potential viewers aren't even born y e t ! The great virtue of catalogs a n d books is that they extend t h e s h o w in time, a n d make s o m e version of some of it available t o more people. They provide a n intellectual extension to w h a t t h e s h o w w a s about so that its idea has a w h o l e other life." Jeffries plans t o continue t h e gallery's illustrious tradition of s h o w i n g both local "The photograph has actually moved toward painting and drawing," Jeffries points out. "Closer toward drawing, I would say, in that the skilled hand is in there manipulating what you see." Chinese or native Canadian? CD. Hoy's U n t i t l e d (portrait of Kong Shing Sing), c. 1910s, PI929, courtesy Barkerville Historic Town. From "First Son: Portraits by CD. Hoy," a Presentation House Gallery touring exhibition that has been to nine Canadian cities and is currently at the Canadian Museum of Civilization in Ottawa/Hull. In 2004 it will be at the McCord Museum of Canadian History in Montreal. a n d international names, w i t h an emphasis o n w o r k that sheds light o n contemporary art practice. In C a n a d a , that's usually material that reflects or generates critical theory. "If t h e w o r k doesn't have any kind of theoretical basis then w e probably w o u l d n ' t s h o w it. That is s o m e t i m e s suspended w h e n it c o m e s to s h o w i n g historical w o r k , a l t h o u g h I personally find it more interesting w h e n historical w o r k interacts with c o n t e m p o r a r y practice so that they inform each other. The recent Rodchenko show, for instance, s h o w e d w o r k that has been extremely influential in m a n y areas of c o n temporary practice." This theoretical u n d e r p i n n i n g doesn't Continuing Networked m e a n s h o w s that are ponderous or difficult Education U n l i m i t e d Possibilities in A r t and Design to enjoy, t h o u g h . O p e n i n g o n April 6 is a n exhibition from t h e Florida archives of Ripley's Believe It or Not, w h i c h Jeffries describes as " r e a l l y quirky." He's already filling t h e calendar for next year. The biggest a n d m o s t complex project is an exhibition of street p h o t o graphs of greater Vancouver taken before Courses Certificate Programs Expo, f r o m 1955 t o 1 9 8 5 . He's currently m a k i n g studio visits, g o i n g through p h o t o g raphers' contact sheets, p i c k i n g out images. "The basic a u d i e n c e w i l l be the people living here," he says. " N i n e t y percent of the adults living here today d o n ' t k n o w the city that's g o i n g to be s h o w n . Either they w e r e n ' t here or they w e r e just kids. I hope the s h o w is a revelation about h o w the city used to b e . " Presentation House Gallery, 604-986-1351 Portfolio D e v e l o p m e n t Professional Development S u m m e r Institute o n B o o k Arts S u m m e r S t u d i o for Art Teachers 604 844 3810 and, offers educational programs for local and visiting school groups. - MB 2 2 March | April