Arts Alive, 1 Jan 2002, p. 5

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Writing on the margins The Capilano Review, which turns 30 this year, is acclaimed across the nation and beyond for putting out some of the most adventurous new writing around. Its latest venture is two issues devoted to the legacy of experimental publishing in Canada, for which it turned over its Gift Horse Gallery Brand New location 1826 Lonsdale Avenue North Vancouver, BC From Art Cards to Zipper Pulls, Gift and home accessory ideas for every taste, all Handcrafted in BC. Over 50% North Shore Artists Pottery, Original Art, Prints, Stained Glass, Blown Glass, Folk Art, Art Cards, Jewelry, Wind Chimes, Table Accessories, Raku, Candles, Wood Carvings and many more one-of-a-kind items pages to a dozen guest publications. The result is Host: twelve small Canadian magazines, billed as "an essential text for the discerning consumer of Canadian writing." This opens the floodgates to a tidal wave of literary produce, ranging from the accessible to what can most kindly be described as challenging. "Our ultimate goal is to change the consciousness of our nation by documenting untold immigrant stories and personal accounts of epiphanies and watershed moments," notes editor Sylvia Chu. bill bissett's blewointment revels in typographical extravaganzas and alternative spelling: "POETS IWUD ASK 2 B PART UV blewointment" gives an idea of bissett's editorial style. But blewointment is not entirely without charm. Michal Antony's Lazy Boy Philosopher begins, La Zee Boy Phyllo Sophia Visited me last night/Cobalt Blue Expose/ Bloated moon / Dripping I lunar Dust Made me sneeze... Issues of the Capilano Review are $9 each, or $25 for three in a SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ARTISTS! one-year subscription. Call 604-984-1712 for more information, or visit the Review's website at ... or the Bronwen Wallace Award for young poets The poet Bronwen Wallace didn't publish her first book until she was 35, just nine years before she died. She left instructions that an annual award of $1,000 be given in her name to other aspiring young writers of short fiction or poetry. This year it's the turn of the poets. Applicants must be Canadian citizens or landed immigrants under the age of 35, unpublished in book form and without a book contract but with some work published in an independently edited magazine or anthology. Confirm your eligibility in a cover letter and send five to ten pages of previously unpublished poetry, in English and double-spaced, to: The Bronwen Wallace Award, do The Writer's Trust of Canada, 40 Wellington Street East, Suite 300, Toronto, Ontario, M5E 1C7. Number pages consecutively. The deadline is January 15. W a t c h this s p a c e - w w w . n o r t h s h o r e a r t s . c o m . Later this m o n t h the Arts a n d C u l t u r e C o m m i s s i o n of North V a n c o u v e r will g o online, bringing artists a n d other m e m b e r s of the c o m m u n i t y c l o s e r together than e v e r before. T h e website, o n e of the first of its kind in the country, will be a n i m m e n s e l y v a l u a b l e r e s o u r c e , both to artists - w h o will be able to learn about p o s s i b l e markets for their work - a n d to m e m b e r s of the public who want to know, not just what exhibitions a n d e v e n t s a r e o n , but a l s o w h o is b e h i n d t h e m a n d what they h a v e d o n e in the past. T h e r e will b e a n online v e r s i o n of Arts Alive o n the site, with archival material a n d , eventually, v i d e o a n d a u d i o material a s well. A s y o u will k n o w if you're reading this m a g a z i n e , there's a lot g o i n g o n the North S h o r e . B y establishing a p r e s e n c e o n the W e b , w e c a n help m o r e p e o p l e to k n o w about it. Going digital J a n u a r y | February 5