preview Musical Munsch Robert Munsch is one of Canada's best-known children's authors and The Paper Bag Princess, published in 1980, is an all-time favourite. Princess Elizabeth is forced to wear a paper bag after the Dragon has burned up all her clothes and taken away Prince Ronald. Using her wits, Elizabeth outsmarts the Dragon and rescues the Prince, only to have him criticize her unprincess-like appearance. She decides he's not such a prince after all. Carmen and Donna Falconer chose this story as the basis for a musical narrative they will premiere at 10:30 on Saturday, November 24 at the Silk Purse. Both classically trained in piano and voice, the sisters, who live in North Vancouver, wanted to move beyond their classical repertoire. Inspired by works of musical narrative such as Prokofiev's Peter and the Wolf and Poulenc's Babar, they approached Munsch and his publisher Annick Press. They got the goahead and the fun began. The Falconers contacted their longtime friend Robert Ursan, who lives In their hometown of Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, to compose the music. He created original tunes for each of the characters. In the meantime, Carmen and Donna developed the theatrical aspects of the project, as the presentation includes a dramatization of the story as well as piano solos and duets. The sisters play the music, the roles of the three characters in the book and two fictional sisters who are putting on the play, thus making this a play within a play. Although entertainment is the main aim of their production, they are very conscious of the educational value of the piece. It will expose the audience to concepts of tempo, rhythm, plot and character development, and theatrical presentation -- not to mention the important messages in Munsch's story. The play is suitable for children from preschool up to about grade four and includes lots of audience participation. The Falconers look forward to presenting it in more venues, especially in the schools. Some tickets will be available 925-7292. at door but reservations are preferred. at Call the Silk Purse at 604- Winter Harp There's something about harp music that soothes like a purling stream. No wonder the harp is the instrument of choice of the heavenly host. "When you listen to a harp, you're listening to an instrument that hasn't changed in four thousand years," says Lori Pappajohn. "You're hearing what the ancients would have heard. And when you hear that sound it takes you back." Pappajohn is a founding member of Winter Harp, an ensemble of Celtic and classical harps, psalteries, and other instruments. At full strength Winter Harp has 220 strings on stage. Getting them all in tune is a bit tricky, but the end result is more than worth it. "We have people who've been coming to see us for years and years, in different venues." New listeners can be startled by the repertoire. "We do play a combination of medieval Christmas carols. But the style ranges from lovely, soothing Christmas lullabies to the blues. We have an incredible piece called The Camels, which has percussion and sounds really deserty. "We even do flamenco. It's called barogue flamenco. A guitar only has six strings. But a harp has thirty-six or fortyeight. We just let them rip and blow the guitarists out of the water." To hear them ripping at St. Francis in the Wood Church on December 11, call Tickelmaster, 604-280- To arrange a booking, contact Carmen Falconer 604-988-1562. - Peggy Stortz NORTH V A N C O U V E R /"~^"3 R E C R E A T I O N COMMISSION (Mstoas Craft Fairs Delbrook't 16th Annual Christmas Craft Fair Sa & Su, Nov 17 & 18, Dec 8 & 9, 10-4pm ·JBB^B^B^^^ 100 vendors each day · Concession · Childcare by donation ^^^^ Admission $ 1 . 0 0 Lonsdale Christmas Craft Fair Su, Nov 11, 10-4pm Concession · Childcare · 8 0 Crafters Admi 0 0 · $52 per table ^ft S^^^t Parkgate Christmas Craft Fair Su, Nov 3, 10-4pm · $48 1 5 per table v _ ^ KSr I Neighbourhood House Craft Fair Sa, Nov 24, 10-4pm Concession · Childcare · Victorian Tea Room Admission by Donation* $20 per table NVRC Craft Lobby Tables j Nov 1 -Dec 24 (facility opening to closing) Tables are available at all N V R C facilities on a per day basis. Call 987-play(7529) for more information. $25 per table 4444. There's another show at Capilano College theatre on December 131604-990-mt)). And if you don't catch them live, a new CD called Harp's Dance has some of Winter Harp's most popular pieces (including The Camels!. 6 November | December Michael Boxall