the artist's market Charles Cowie Metal art sculptor I take c o m m i s s i o n s f o r public a n d priAward-winning whimsical and functional sculptures m a d e f r o m recycled materials f o r t h e h o m e , g a r d e n , a n d w o r k environment Original a n d cust o m designs. vate projects, w o r k i n g in a variety of styles, specializing in imaginative realism. I d o portraiture, illustration, murals, a n d black a n d w h i t e p h o t o g raphy. Please call f o r a studio a p p o i n t m e n t a n d please visit m y extensive website. Duncan Weiler Tel.604-987-2169 Tel.604-984-1225 Louisa Leibman ceramic artist U p c o m i n g sales: In-house Sudio Sale - Dec. 9; Circle of Friends - Nov. 1 6 , 17, 1 8 ; Delbrook Craft Fair - Nov. 1 7 ; Ashes to A r t (San Francisco) - Nov. 2 9 Karen Ireland glass artist H o m e s a n d offices economically a n d aesthetically e n h a n c e d by stained, e t c h e d a n d 3 D glass, mosaics a n d painted murals. A r t that reflect the personality of t h e residents. {detail of etched exterior door) Tel.604-983-3476 Fax 604-983-3479 uisaleibman Tel.604-980-9254 Mila Kostic painter M y w o r k has had an impact o n my personal existence: it helps m e t o ach isual a n d spiritual c o n t i n u ity, a n d is t h e constant exploration and experimentation, t h e ability t o answer questions a b o u t my o w n experience. I a m asking myself c o n stantly about my identity, w h e r e is Sol Maya glass blower Internationally k n o w glass blower Sol M a y a has o p e n e d a n e w studio at Klee W y c k in W e s t Vancouver. Everyone is w e l c o m e t o visit t h e studio a n d w a t c h the e m e r g e n c e of true, original artworks. " A s w e c o n t i n u e the M i l l e n i u m - a re-emergence - t h e beginning of n e w cycles - enjoying the light-giving light of Father S u n . Tel.604-323-2571 Tel. 604-925-7262 for times. Cap College Theatre calendar Whether you're a fan of jazz, folk, theatre, or all three, Capllano College's Performing Arts Theatre has a line-up of concerts and performances in November and December to suit all tastes. The Cap Jazz Series starts November with a bang, featuring ever-popular mainstays of the Canadian jazz scene, the Barry Elmes Quintet with the College faculty's "A" Band (November 2). On November 20, jazz pianist Joe Sealy, folk/jazz singer Cindy Church and bassist George Roller come together in The Nearness of You, a tribute to Hoagie Carmichael. Jazz vocalist Ranee Lee and guitarist Richard Ring (performing with "A" Band and NiteCap) appear on December 7. The Cap Folk V Roots Series/Rogue Folk Club features two singer-songwriter double bills, starting with Michigan's Annie Gallup and Wales' Martyn Joseph on November 3. Then, join Calgary's awardwinning James Keelaghan and English balladeer Jez Lowe on November 18 for another night of stories and song. For witty, thought-provoking theatre, come to Cap for our very own Exit 22 Theatre Company's production of Wendy Wasserstein's The Heidi Chronicles, from November 15-17, 20th, and 22-24. November | December 23 - Christy Goerzen For information, tickets, and showtimes, contact the Box Office at 604-990-7810. Want to get into the old-time Yuletide spirit? Join us on December 1 and 2 for Harp & Choirs in our Choral Concerts Series, featuring Benjamin Britten's Ceremony of Carols. Then, come back for the medieval majesty of Winter Harp (December 13 see page 6).