c e m b e r Iranian folk and traditional dance Dec. 1 @ 2pm "The Nutcracker" Tchaikovsky's magical ballet. Royal CityYouth Ballet. Dec. 8 @ 2pm & 7pm "Winter Concert of Dance" Students of the Anna Wyman School of Dance Arts. Call 604-926-6535 Dec. 9 @ 2pm & 7pm "The Nutcracker" Classic holiday season ballet. Seymour Dance Society. H a l l , 355 Queens R o a d Now - Nov. 22 Paintings by Betty Woo and metal sculptures by Stewart MacNutt. Nov. 22 - January 24 Three dimensional mosaics by Dori Bodman and modern acrylic impressions of cave art of by Wolfgang Pentzek. with CityScape Community Art Space. Dec. 1 - 1 5 "Backroads and Beaches" watercolour and acrylic panels by Ross Munro. Dec. 16 - January 2 "Special Christmas Treats" group exhibition, mixed media including sculptures, oils, watercolours and acrylics. Secondary, Collingwood and Mulgrave Schools. West V a n c o u v e r M e m o r i a l Library, 1950 M a r i n e Drive, 604-925-7407 Now - Nov. 10 "Versatility", watercolours, acrylics and mixed media by Margaret Merler and Charlotte Grundig. November 13 - Dec. 2 "The Seasons", watercolours by Anne S e y m o u r A r t Gallery, 4 3 6 0 Gallant Avenue, 604-9241378 Now - Nov. 21 "Substance and Spirit", group show, metal sculpture, photography, glass Ferry Building Gallery, 1414 Argyle, 604-925-7266 Nov. 6 - 1 8 '"Scape at the Edge: Zaleski and "Solitude", pastels by C.J. Portas. Reception November 16, 6-7:30pm December 3 - January 4 " M i x e d Palette" oils and acrylics by Jane A r m s t r o n g . Reception December 7, 67:30pm C o m m u n i t y events Nov. 4 @ 8:30 pm "Feel the G l o w " community lighting ceremony for The Veil, a brand new piece of public art on the Centennial Theatre, 2300 Lonsdale (see page 4). Festival of Lights at Park & Tilford Gardens sponsored by the One Stroke at a Time" Paintings by Doreen Finnegan and Ursula Medley. Reception Nov. 6, 68pm. Nov. 20 - Dec. 2 Photography by Nicole Rigets, Michaela Pedersen, Lome Johanson.and Brian Hemingway. Ceramics by Maggie Kneer. Reception Nov. 20, 6-8pm. Dec. 4 - 16 "Great Stuff" Annual mixed media Christmas gift and art sale. Sneak preview and reception Dec. 4, 6-8pm. Silk Purse, 1570 A r g y l e Avenue, 6 0 4 - 9 2 5 - 7 2 9 2 N o w - N o v . 11 "Landscapes of the Fraser Valley" egg tempera and watercolours by Mong Yen. Nov. 1 3 - 2 5 "ClayoquotThe Literary Silk Purse, 1570 A r g y l e Avenue Nov. 4 @ 7:00pm "Cric? Crac!" North Shore storytellers present "Soulcakes: Tales of Ghosts and Spirits". Information call Abegael 604-985-5168. and mixed media installations. Reception Nov. 4, 2-4pm. Nov. 29 - January 6 "Harmony of the Spheres" a solo exhibition by printmaker Frank Jalsovsky. Reception Dec. 2, 24pm. P r e s e n t a t i o n House Gallery, 333 C h e s t e r f i e l d A v e n u e , 604-986-1351 Nov. 3 - Dec. 16 "Alexander Lynn Valley M a i n Library, 604-990-5811 Nov. 13 @ 7:30pm "Reading Canadian" Nov. 3 - 1 0 , Canadian Children's Book Week. Call local libraries for events. Visual Arts CityScape C o m m u n i t y A r t Space, 335 Lonsdale Avenue, 604-988-6844 N o w - D e c . 15, "Sensuous Vienna" Works by Austrian artists Gustav Klimt and Egon Schiele. Rodchenko: Modern Photography, Photomontage and Film" Russian photographer Rodchenko (1891-1956) employed non-traditional approaches to traditional mediums. This exhibition includes a collection of visually stunning and dynamic artworks. Lions Gate Rotary Club with proceeds towards a Youth Safe House on the North Shore, November 24 - Dec. 31.. Call 990-3841 for times. Christmas Carol Ship Festival Dec. 7 @ Waterfront Park and Dec. 22 @ Panorama & Cates Parks Artists for Kids Trust 604-903-3798 Nov. 4, 25 and Dec. 2 "Sensational Sunday" Art courses for parents and kids, ous schools. Call for information. November December 13 Wild Edge" photographs by Jacqueline Windh. Reception Nov. 13, 6-8pm. Bel A r t Gallery, 3053 H i g h l a n d B o u l e v a r d , 604904-0907 Now - Nov. 30 "Sensuous Vienna"with drawings for Austrian artist Egon Schiele's Beethoven frieze. In partnership Nov. 27 - Dec. 9 "A Collage of Art & Soul" photographic art by Gillian Lindsay. Reception Nov. 27, 6-8pm. Dec. 1 1 - 2 3 "Youth's Gift: Dec. Distinctions" by students of West Van Secondary, Sentinel North Vancouver District