Denzal: Mike Kate Allen, Hammett-Vaughan, Chris Tarry, and Junction. the concept Everything CD towers thinks display. Chris Gestrin, The presshanging wheel-infor discusall-out it's work. pleted the tapes for this great new jazz group Metalwood....we talked and, as I worked freelance at the time, the discussion turned to the idea that I would help Chris and Shawn launch the record, shop it to the majors, and help coordinate the touring activities. The most exciting part of the story is that when we began to solicit distributors and record labels, of our first mailing of 15-20 packages, the very first package prepared and mailed was the one that worked! And the rest is history." 7 pm: On any given ing issue is what by-8 window CDs to off-kilter motion Someone visual time sion. Someone assault for a latte will be for the 12from to a CD would Amalia thinks to lava lamps else thinks are on the table simplicity that it should be an on the senses. break. In five short years, Maximum Management has shown relentless growth, NORTH V A N C O U V E R JAZZ ARTIST B R A D TURNER garnering multiple awards, attracting major label artists, tapping into the film and television music publishing industry, and even branching into event and production management. From the genesis in a small studio in Vancouver with the band Metalwood, founding partners Chris Tarry and producer/engineer Shawn Pierce began Maximum Music with not much other than big dreams. The triumvirate was complete shortly after when Brian Watson joined the team. They began to alternate use of spare bedrooms in their homes for management and administration. "I ran into Chris one day at Kinko's," Brian recalls." He said that he had just com- night artists of the week, are playing to checking one or more somewhere a couple new urgent hours pizza of Maximum's in town. There a gig to drop by out a an more frozen Denzalj, being and Fraser slacker, winner! the is the lucky moans back winner. about Eraser, a always for an to get Contact, performing Who colour magenta, Brian is tempted self-confessed of clubs in addition response. If there Wing band. are also 25 ema/7s that need were just at home 12 with 1:40 pm: Bluelines artist sell-sheet. the sell-sheet the provincial missed not printed trade from printers time It's a race against show 'fesses for the Turner's in the day! A night and West in time for Pacific name. is also tempting. A busy day? No, it's just business as usual for Maximum Management, a music company definitely with its ear to the ground, its nose to the grindstone, and its eyes skyward. "I'm like a kid in a candy store," Brian smiles. "It's all there for the taking." arts. Uh oh! A typo in Brad it? Nobody fuchsia! looks washed-out. up. And the to be It was meant One of Maximum's highest profile jazz artists, North Shore resident Brad Turner, is also a founding member of the Maximum jazz label division. "I'm very proud of the direction things have taken," comments Brad. "My role has always been one of 'A&R'; I have always been (and continue to be in some facets) involved in decisions concerning the musical and artistic direction of the label." Brad has certainly catapulted to the forefront of Canadian jazz in a few short years. His electric group Metalwood won two consecutive Junos and has recently been signed by UniversalA/erve for distribution of its upcoming fifth CD release, The Recline, due out in May. In addition, Brad's own project with his quartet Live at the Cellar was nominated for a 2001 Juno Award for "Best Traditional Jazz Recording." Furthermore, Brad manages to juggle teaching at Capilano College in the Jazz Studies department, where he conducts the program's premier ensemble, the 18-piece "A" Band. Eldercollege Theatre Company presents Bren ^^hàìlfJ Y > A glorious Evwiutß oftrUh Ccntedy Presentation House C h e s t e r f i e l d a n d T h i r d St. North Vancouver 3:20 pm: New film output ready and the printer Sometimes am you have 3:45 pm: Lunch of artist the sell-sheet deadline! favours. from Virgin of jazz 10 can still make to call in all your - leftover Featuring. Damon Calderwood as 'The Hostage" Shannon Jardine as Teresa May 14 to 19 M o n d a y to Saturday 8 p.m. O p e n i n g N i g h t M o n d a y , M a y 14 S p e c i a l m a t i n e e -- S a t u r d a y , M a y 19 at 2 p . m . General A d m i s s i o n : $14 Students & Seniors: $12 donuts meeting. 4 pm: Staff and a cast of fifteen Directed by Dick Mells Produced by Barb Duffus meeting to discuss Megastore release promotions will feature includes for the May launch CD Jazz in addition the best of Maximum's the jazz compilation label, which to the Max. This to Brad and Box Office: 990-3474 KldercoLLECK May I June 9