Arts Alive, 1 May 2000, p. 5

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Australian actress Mattie Shisko.'The focus is on acting technique, character, voice, speech, phonetics, and movement," says director Aydrion Kalin.who has several degrees in the arts and many years studying acting in Canada and the U.S. W h e t h e r the student wants to act for stage o r film, he o r she needs basic acting technique, says Kalin. For information o r to arrange an audition, call 904-0188 o r 1-800-209-1766. In W e s t Vancouver, the centre of kids theatre is K l e e W y c k (925-7260). In addition to Creative Adventures for fabric. Pottery is offered this summer at both the West Vancouver Community Centre (925-7270) and the Eagle Harbour Community Centre (921-2100). 4 to 6 year olds and Creative Jennifer Riach is offering Theatre in July and Advanced Drama for 10 to 12 year olds, director Summer Summer Theatre in August. Apprenticeships are also available to those wanting to try teaching theatre arts o r producing their own plays. Theatre continues to become more and more popular on the N o r t h Shore.Through the Deep C o v e Cultural Centre, there's Theatre LEFT. The Artists for Kids school week tary week summer offers for one D A N C E & M U S I C Musical program. Dance classes, exploring a variety of styles, are available for kids of all ages at N o r t h Shore Neighbourhood House and other N o r t h Shore recreation facilities. Thinking about piano lessons for your child in the fall? Try the waters at Lonsdale's Piano C a m p and Music Makers o r at W e s t Vancouver Community Centre. A spark may be ignited. Escaping to the arts this summer could become a kid's happiest holiday m e m o r y -- o r even provide that pivotal moment when the creative child catches a glimpse of an artistically enriched future. Mime, and Maggie Mason's Art & Antics and Courses focus on drawing, painting, sculpting, woodblock printing, w o o d carving, and Chinese arts. West Vancouver's Harmony A r t s Festival in August is a great opportunity for youngsters to visit the municipality's Silk Purse Studio on Ambleside Beach. From August 8 to I 1,5 to 7 year olds can join the morning Footprints Art Camp. After exploring the fabulous art work displayed in local windows, the inspired kids will troop back to the Silk Purse to do their own work. In the afternoons, the Silk Purse will host drop-in workshops (Harmony Kids). Tie-dying, mosaic work, sculpture, and plaster casting are planned. Day A r t Camps continue throughout the summer at the Silk Purse, focusing on making art from nature, learning the basics of design, making paper, and painting and printing on well-established Theatriks There's also Musical SingYour Heart Out at the centre. elemen- kids and one for teens. Theatre programs are also offered at N o r t h Shore Neighbourhood House and at Parkgate Recreation Centre. Actress Gillian Barber is back with the on-stage classes that were so successful for the past t w o years at Centennial Theatre.The theatre is under renovation, however, so this year's musical theatre program will take place across the street, in the Seymour Room. Delbrook's Theatre Arts Level I RIGHT: Summer the perfect is time spot to find a quiet in the outdoors for reflection creativity. and program features mime, stage fighting, speech exercises, auditions, and scene study, and is given by Peter Zavadil. A new school,The Northwest Academy of Acting, has opened up at Presentation House. It is offering a seven-week program for students, 14 years and over, starting July 18. O n e of the main instructors will be Maureen freelance Vancouver Curtis writer is a North and chair Shore-based of the North Recreation Commission.