Vancouver urban landscape.We hope t o identify w h a t the financial and political ramifications o f initiating a p u b l i c a r t p r o g r a m m i g h t b e . In t h e p r o c e s s , w e are continuing t o study previous paradigms f o r fundraising, artist selection processes, selection panel processes, public a r t program development, community public art, N O R T H S VANCOUVER and t h e benefit o f public art. O u r aspirations are t o learn f r o m previous Enabling artists in our c o m m u n i t y since 1 9 6 9 mistakes and develop policies that work better f o r everyone. If all g o e s w e l l , w e h o p e t o d e v e l o p a m a s t e r plan f o r N o r t h V a n c o u v e r that projects the municipal Art for Rent!.' Monday, June 7, 12:00 to 8:00 p m Rent original art for as little as $8.00 Over 175 pieces representing over 50 artists! note location change: ANNE MACDONALD HALL expenditures f o r public a r t o n a y e a r l y b a s i s , as w e l l a s r e v i e w sector projects and opportunities determine art. private f o r public 333 Chesterfield Ave., North Vancouver This is the last Art Rental event prior to us moving to our new facility on Lonsdale Ave. A "Meet the Artists" reception will be held from 5 p m to 8 p m as we say a fond farewell to the way we did things for over 20 years. Everyone is invited! Refreshments will be served. Join the Art Council Support the arts in your community! Receive member benefits such as discounts at local retailers & select cultural events, a bi-monthly newsletter, and a free subscription to Arts Aliue magazine. Volunteers wanted!!! The Arts Council will soon be in need a greater number of volunteers to assist with the new community gallery, the art rental program and i n the gift shop. If you are interested in volunteering with a fun group who love art and love people, call us for an interview, 988-6844. To find out more about any of the above call: N o r t h V a n c o u v e r C o m m u n i t y A r t s C o u n c i l To contact Committee, the Public Art Policy please call Steering 980-3559. Marina educator, Policy Papais is a visual artist, curator, and member of the Public Art Steering Committee. Presentation House Arts Centre 333 Chesterfield Ave., North Vancouver, B .C. V 7 M 1 T 3 Phone: 604 988-6844 Fax: 604 988-2787