E d i t o r : Marian Copy Publisher: Editor. Arts Judy Dodd Phillips N o r t h Shore Commission Contributing Carole Leanne Maureen Meredith Badgley, Campbell, Curtis, Harrill Trevor Kimberly Cazeley, Writers: Bjornson, Carolan, Daum, Lauren Perreault, S. Williams. Dodd Ltd. yearly ARTS Contents: ARTS COMMISSION T h e details on S y m p o s i u m '99....4 THEATRE W i n tickets to Billy Bishop Goes to HOLIDAY EVENTS War....5 Elliott,Victoria Mulholland.Yvonne Caroline Layout/Desktop Printing: Shannon, Publishing: Contact Printing Don Marian & Mailing six times Arts Council and free of A r t s Alive is published Shore to Arts by the North and is distributed and Commission members Vancouver charge. the North Shore communities Funding: Arts Alive gratefully financial acknowledges from and the the continued assistance Vancouver of North City of North District Vancouver. A cornucopia o f Christmas craft fairs ....6 A guide to holiday events and tun....8 Arts 148 East 2nd St, North Phone: Fax: e-mail: Alive Magazine: V7L IC3 Vancouver, (604) (604) COMMUNITY Recyling, the arts, and holiday gift giving.... 10 CALENDAR Your guide to the arts on the N o r t h Shore and beyond.... 12 MUSIC Meet the C i r c l e o f Voices gospel choir.... 14 PUBLIC ART 984-9537 984-3563 aalive@wimsey.com Arts Alive TV: 984-9532 980-3559 North Shore Arts Commission: e-mail: Editorial Advertising & Calendar deadline: deadline: nsarts@istar.ca November December 1999 letters are 23 7 for the January/February S u b m i s s i o n s and editor issue. to the welcome. T w o new lovely public murals....15 VISUAL ARTS T h e Seymour A r t Gallery: a print lovers mecca....l6 HERITAGE T h e legacy o f the G r o u p o f Seven's F . H . Varley's life in L y n n V a l l e y . Wtl LITERARY Raymond's Rain Dance: a kid's book set in L y n n Valley....20 ARTS EDUCATION Workshops with a N o r t h Shore world class carver....21 AWARDS Cover: Sunset. Lynn Valley Group of Seven (detail). painter By famed T h e highlights from the F A N S '98 awards evening....22 ARTS ALIVE TELEVISION F.H.Varley. See story on page 18 for details on the new V a r l e y T r a i l , constructed in his honour. Arts Alive T V p r o d u c e r F i f Fernandes with program notes....23