Arts Alive, 1 Nov 1997, p. 3

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Associate Editor: Dianne Mackay Copy Editor:Judy Phillips Assistant Editor: Sherri Stinn Publisher: North Shore Arts Commission Contributing Writers: Heather Cairns; Lindo Feti; Fif Fernandes; Marilyn Henderson; Damian W o o d ; Cathi Jefferson; Bill Jeffries; Ingrid Kidd-Goldfarb; Cathy Matheson; Patricia Sculthorpe; Sherri Stinn Layout Dianne Mackay Printing: Neo Tech Press Distribution: Lianne Payne A r t s Alive is published six times yearly by the North Shore Arts Commission and is distributed to Arts Council members and the North Shore and Vancouver communities free of charge. Funding: A r t s Alive gratefully acknowledges continued financial assistance from the City of North Vancouver and the District of North Vancouver. A r t s Alive: 148 East 2nd St, North Vancouver V7L IC3 Phone:984-9537 Fax:984-3563 A R T S A L I V E Contents: Profile Charles van Sandwyk brings his whimsical drawings to the Seymour Art Gallery this November...4 Visual Arts Toni Onley reflects on his long and illustrious career and discusses his continuing sources of inspiration...6 Film Arts A l i v e T V ' s F i f Fernandes talks to the creators of Barnone, a new film featured at this year's International F i l m Festival...8 Awards the North Shore Arts C o m m i s s i o n salutes the F A N S A w a r d honourees...9 Visual Arts Presentation House Gallery launches a new exhibit examining the symbolism of trains in Western society... 10 Calendar your guide to the arts on the North Shore... 12 Theatre North Shore actress Veena Sood performs in the N e w Play Festival... 14 Literature reviews of three new books, on sale in time for the holidays... 15 Holiday Happenings highlights some of the events taking place in November and December... 18 Gift Guide a collection of Christmas gift ideas...20 e-mail: North Shore Arts Commission e-mail: Editorial deadline: December I Advertising deadline: December 15 for the November/December issue. Submissions and letters to the editor are welcome. O n the c o v e r of this year's N o v e m b e r / D e c e m b e r issue is a p h o t o g r a p h of y o u n g Miss Etta W a r d l a w , taken in N o r t h Vancouver, Christmas 1926. T h i s p h o t o g r a p h North Archives. was p r o v i d e d c o u r t e s y of the V a n c o u v e r M u s e u m and Community local women gather at the Tozan kiln; Cathy Matheson and Janet Wallace outline new directions for our North Vancouver RecCentres...22 Space for Rant Ingrid Kidd-Goldfarb offers advice to aspiring artists...23