theatre was available in M a r c h 1998. St. John Smith began rounding up the cast members, many of who work in film and T V and were looking for a project during the traditional "slow season" early in the year. Michael himself has been known to supplement his writer's income with guest "bad guy" roles in episodes of locally filmed television series. In Viper, he played a U S ambassador involved in drug dealing, while in an episode of Sentinel, he was a doctor accused o f k i l l i n g his patients. St. John Smith, who lives near Edgemont Village with his wife, Michelle Rime, a writer and playwright, and his son Joe, fell into acting after coming to Vancouver from San Francisco in 1982 to pursue his love of sailing and a career in advertising. After gaining ad agency experience with a number of U S firms, St. John Smith became established as associate creative director with the J . Walter Thompson agency in Vancouver. He worked as a freelance writer-producer from 1986 until 1988 and was then hired as creative director at the M c C a n n - E r i c k s o n agency, where he remained until 1990. Since then, he has worked as an independent writer and producer for clients ranging from VanCity Savings and B C Hydro to B C Tourism and DairyWorld. A l o n g with his success as a playwright and as a working actor, the busy St. John Smith has been writing and developing screenplays, including Magnetic North, a futuristic story about a town where "people's memories have been erased," a town being run by a movie director. He is currently collaborating on Humchucker, a project that he hopes w i l l be turned into a Canadian feature film. ~~ Slaying Dragons is at the Presentation House Arts Centre are March 5 to April 4. Performances Wednesday through Sunday. Phone 990-3474 for show times and reservations. David Marnoch is a Vancouver and broadcaster. writer CENTENNIAL THEATRE 2 3 0 0 L O N S D A L E A V E N U E , N O R T H CENTRE V A N C O U V E R The North Vancouver School Board & the North Vancouver Band & Strings Parents' Association present Monday, March 30 at 7:30pm North Vancouver's RYAN KARCHUT, guest soloist, performs Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto. THE SYMPHONY plays Mozart's Overture to the Marriage of Figaro, Debussy's Prelude de I'Apres Midi d'un Faune, and Beethoven's Symphony #7. TICKETS ON SALE AT CENTENNIAL THEATRE BOX OFFICE, PHONE 984-4484