theatre by Vol Mason Festival Fun and Frenzy on the North Shore (Pemberton), Deep Cove Stage and First Impressions Theatre Society (Deep Cove Cultural Centre), Brooke Burgess and Lori Kokotailo in the soda fountain scene from O u r Town -- the North Vancouver Community Players 1997 Festival entry. The production received 6 North Shore Zone Festival awards. Community Players, with Someone Who 'II Watch Over Me by Frank McGuinness, directed by Francesca Vivanti; Deep Cove Stage, with / Hate Hamlet by Paul Rudnick, directed by Barry Duffus; and Presentation House Productions, with The Comedy of Errors by W i l l i a m Shakespeare, directed by Ryan Crocker. Between Shifts Theatre w i l l participate with a production yet to be announced. Capilano College Theatre Department and Stagedoor have also expressed an interest in being involved. Presentation House Theatre is extremely busy every day during the week-long festival. Each morning, a new group brings in its set, rearranges the lighting, and has a technical rehearsal. That same night, the group performs its play, then dismantles and takes away the set. The next day. this process happens all over again with another group. Obviously, it takes a tremendous amount of hard work and dedication by everyone involved. Theatre B C is an association which has represented community theatre groups from all across British Columbia since 1932. The province is divided into 11 zones; the North Shore zone is made up of 10 member clubs: Between Shifts Theatre (Squamish), Black Sheep Players Vol Mason is the managing director of Presentation House, chair of the North Shore zone of Theatre BC. chair of Backstage '98 for Theatre Players, BC, and an active member oj the North Vancouver Community The North Shore zone of Theatre BC's 24th annual Festival of Plays runs May 3 to 9. For information on the final line-up. dates, times, and ticket prices, call Presentation Box Office at 990-3474. House Driftwood Players (Gibsons), Howe Sound Players (Squamish). North Vancouver Community Players (Hendry H a l l . North Vancouver). Presentation House Productions (Presentation House Theatre, North Vancouver), Theatre West Van (West Vancouver), and the Whistler Players Theatrical Society (Whistler). A l l 11 zones hold their own Festival of Plays sometime between TTheatre fans, get your running shoes on! Presentation House Theatre w i l l be a beehive o f activity M a y 3-9, as the North Shore zone of Theatre B C presents the 24th Annual Festival o f Plays. The festival is a week-long event, with a different play presented each evening, culminating in an evening awards ceremony on the Saturday. The plays are adjudicated by a theatre professional after each performance. The play voted "Best Production" goes on to represent the North Shore zone at the provincial finals called M A I N S T A G E '98 in July. Last year, the festival introduced the People's Choice Awards. Everyone who purchased a passholder's ticket to attend every performance received a ballot on the final evening to vote for "Most Outstanding Production" and "Most Outstanding Achievement for the Week." This year the People's Choice Awards categories will be expanded to include "Most Outstanding Performance" and "Most Interesting Design Element"--all the more reason to purchase a weekly pass. Not only do you get to see a variety of top quality theatre productions, but you aKo can vote for your favourites. At press time, confirmed entries in the festival are North Vancouver A p r i l and June, and each zone sends a "Best Production" to the provincial finals, which is held in a different location each year. Mainstage '98 will be held in Abbotsford at the A b b y Arts Centre from July 5 to I I . Last year's winner of the North Shore zone was Barefoot in the Park by Neil Simon, produced by Theatre West Van. Previous winners include the Deep Cove Stage productions o f Look Back in Anger by John Osborne, Judgment by Barry Collins, and Frankie & Johnny in the Clair de Lune by Terrance M c N a l l y ; and the North Vancouver Community Players' productions of Philadelphia Here I Come by Brian Friel and Home by David Storey. Seven North Shore zone productions have gone on to win the provincial finals. DS