Local Artists Unveil SL Showing Around Town New Mural at Civic Plaza by Susan Bonderove Tina Evinger paints in #6. The artists completed the mural on July 29 and have sent a challenge out to young people in the c o m m u nity to come up w i t h names for the characters they created on the w a l l . W o r k i n g on the mural has been a very rewarding experience for everyone i n v o l v e d . "It has been so m u c h fun w o r k i n g together." says M o s s , "that we might have to start our o w n business." 'BD The Civic Plaza mural and was sponsored officially some colour to panel O n September 24 a new mural w i l l be officially unveiled at the C i v i c Plaza on West 14th Street and Lonsdale Avenue. The mural is located on a temporary retaining wall around the site o f the new Scotia bank development. T h i s unique project is the brainchild o f three young artists: Susan Bonderove. A m y M o s s , and T i n a Evinger. " M y primary concern was to brighten up the area, leaving colourful images for the public to enjoy," says Bonderove. " T h e w a l l faces C i v i c Plaza, so I was aware o f the numbers o f people w h o w a l k through there each day." The mural project has been funded by the North Vancouver C o m m u n i t y A r t s C o u n c i l . The c o u n c i l covered the cost o f the paint, and the three y o u n g artists happily donated their time and a few brushes. by the NVCAC presented September. 988-6298 Susan trained will be late to the city in Please for more is a phone 988-6844 or information. professionally North Views of the process. Bonderove artist who lives in Vancouver. fans g i v e t o t h e Fund for the Arts on the North Shore The arts are vital and integral to the well-being of a community. They help to create the very fabric of society. The Fund for the Arts on the North Shore needs your help to build our community's permanent cultural legacy. For more information on how to give, contact the North Shore Arts Commission at 980-3559. Your tax deductible earned from the fund donation will give forever. The North interest artists. will be used to assist Shore Susan in front of panel #3, The Lover.