Bravo Magazine Promotes the Arts The local tourism industry is trying to get everyone to call fall and w i n ter the "entertainment season." This approach is a perfect match with B r a v o Vancouver w h i c h the Vancouver Cultural A l l i a n c e ( V C A ) and the D o w n t o w n Vancouver Business Improvement Association ( D V B I A ) cofounded in October o f 1996. This arts awareness campaign's debut was a great success, and it is now going to be an annual event. B r a v o Vancouver draws attention to the more than 250 scheduled arts events and their producers by publishing a same-named magazine/directory and by organizing public performances in places such as Pacific Centre. T h e free magazine/directory w i l l provide an events calendar for O c t o ber, a special events guide, arts information, and a directory o f the V C A ' s 236 members, w h i c h w i l l be a useful arts reference for the entire year. Listings in the magazine are free for all V C A members, and many North Shore arts groups such as Pandora's V o x . the North Shore Writer's A s s o ciation, the North Vancouver C o m munity Arts C o u n c i l . Presentation House Gallery, and the North Shore Arts C o m m i s s i o n are taking advantage o f their membership by being in the guide and part of B r a v o Vancouver. Distribution of the magazine w i l l be throughout the L o w e r M a i n l a n d and w i l l be available mid-September. P r o v i d i n g more exposure for the arts is the main goal o f the campaign and some arts groups are planning special events specifically for B r a v o Vancouver. A n example o f this is the Vancouver C i v i c Theatres w h i c h is having two special Open Houses o f the Orpheum Theatre and Queen Elizabeth and Vancouver Playhouse theatres. G u i d e d tours are planned as well as displays, entertainment, and contests. The Vancouver Board o f Trade is a new member o f the V C A , and it w i l l highlight its Business and the Arts Awards, designed to encourage the corporate sector's involvement with the arts and to recognize those businesses which, through financial aid. sponsorships, employee involvement. and other corporate services, are committed to the arts in Vancouver. T h e V C A ' s executive director, L o r i Baxter, is pleased with the growth o f this campaign in just one year. "I a m thrilled with the number o f organizations that have come on board for B r a v o Vancouver this year. In particular, we are excited about the new members that are from various business sectors, like the Vancouver B o a r d o f Trade, the Vancouver Public Library, and the Bentall Centre. " W e also have new media sponsorship with the Vancouver Sun and with the newly formed Vancouver T V . w h i c h is m a k i n g B r a v o Vancouver its first sponsorship. T h i s T V station has a mandate to promote the local arts scene and has recognized the value and importance o f an event like B r a v o Vancouver." Baxter also notes that the continued support o f corporate sponsors such as Torode Realty and Ernst & Y o u n g Bravo magazine couver able Gloria Cultural fall. is the editor media by Gloria Loree is m a k i n g it possible for B r a v o V a n couver to establish itself as a major annual arts event. Tourism Vancouver, w h i c h for many years heavily promoted V a n c o u v e r ' s parks, water, and mountains, is also on board and promoting the "entertainment season." W i t h support from it, the business sector, and hundreds o f arts groups. B r a v o Vancouver is a great means o f p r o v i d i n g high v i s i bility for the visual and performing arts. Encore! F o r more information about B r a v o Vancouver, the magazine/directory, or V C A service information, call the V C A at 681-3535 or browse its Website at index.htm. ~is put out by the VanAlliance. It will be avail- this Loree of Bravo magazine. 21