Judy Dennis Award Presented to Local Artist by Mary "Over the course of time the ruin seems to have gradually thing that was superfluous of a mountain, everything essary. " -- G i o r g i o Grassi The 1997 recipient o f the Judy lost everyabout people Shaugbnessy Her proposal to "recall the structures o f this industrial edge" through the m e d i u m o f photographic-based etchings w i l l be aided by the input o f two mentors. C l a u d i a Questa, an artist w h o has done independent research on the Versatile Shipyards, and Sandra Samchuk, an instructor at E m i l y C a r r Institute o f A r t and D e s i g n ( E C I A D ) and an expert in the technique and process o f photographic copper etching, have agreed to offer technical advice and critic i s m for the duration o f the project. The Judy Dennis A w a r d w i l l be used by G r a h a m to acquire the skills for photo etching on metal that she w i l l need for her project. G r a h a m is a graduate from the University o f B C with a bachelor's degree in education, and from The P h i l l i p Institute o f Technology in M e l b o u r n e , Australia, with a Bachelor o f Fine A r t in printing and painting. She has received a number o f honours i n her career thus far for academic and artistic achievement and has had her work exhibited in Australia. North Vancouver, and at several B C Y o u n g Artists Exhibitions at E C I A D . Graham's artwork, etchings, and paintings are described by C l a u d i a Questa as "an exploration o f space and time...her capacity to enter into these spaces is full o f creative spirit, an unusual mixture o f detail and expression." In a p p l y i n g for the award, G r a h a m wrote that she wishes "to explore a tone that evokes a sense o f timelessness, a quiet presence reminiscent o f an anchored loader in full f o g . " Her timing c o u l d not be more appropriate, sc Mary arts Shaughnessy commissioner. is a North Shore it...as if it had rolled down the side losing in the process that was not strictly nec- Dennis E m e r g i n g Artists Training F u n d lives and breathes the subject of her project proposal. Saffron G r a h a m w o r k s out o f a studio space on East Esplanade, a few blocks from the Versatile Pacific S h i p y a r d at the foot o f Lonsdale Avenue. T h e shipyard, a major part o f G r a h a m ' s direct environment and largely influencing her current work, is one of the most familiar and historically significant landmarks on the North Saffron Graham < > l ^ P < 9 Shore. Deeply rooted in its specific location and time, the shipyard is today the last significant trace o f the C i t y of North Vancouver's industrial heritage. Graham's timely proposal to "excavate and craft imagery that refers to the moments in time when the Versatile Shipyards were most productive" w i l l help to document the site and its structures before they are swept away by new development. H e r w o r k w i l l further serve to revive the c o m m u n i t y ' s collective memory of the shipyard and its c o n tinuing role in the evolution o f the L o w e r Lonsdale area. Graham's daily exposure to the shipyard has impressed upon her that "the buildings that have survived thus far form rich, graphic symbols for the community that continue to orient us historically within the evolution o f the L o w e r Lonsdale area." She describes her developed sensitivity to the e v i dence o f human endeavour and spirit that the buildings and the site manifest, and to an insight into the inextricable link between the history of the shipyard and that o f the C i t y of North Vancouver.