Arts Alive, 1 Nov 1996, p. 15

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CLASSIFIED Lonsdale RecCentre Craft F a i r : Sunday. November 17. 10 a.m.--4 p.m. Childcare. concession and entertainment. Crafters. register now for tables. Telephone 987-7529 for details and to register for November 17 at the Lonsdale RecCentre. North Vancouver. The G i f t Shop C h r i s t m a s Sale at the West Vancouver Museum and Archives Museum Gift Shop. Find a variety of special items and excellent gift ideas--from unique books on B . C . history and nature to crafts, artworks and jewellry by local artists. November 2 6 - 2 9 . 12 p . m . ^ l : 3 0 p.m. Info: 925-7295. Open call for submissions for A r t r o p o l i s 97. Artists are invited to submit recent work in any medium for consideration. A catalogue w i l l be published and all those selected w i l l receive a modest exhibition fee. Please include a resume and six slides, or a video not exceeding ten minutes, and the $10 processing fee. M a i l submissions to Artropolis 97. 124A-4664 Lougheed Highway, Burnaby. B . C . V 5 C 5T5. D e a d l i n e for submissions: December 1, 1996. Open call for submissions for A p p l e s & Oranges Exhibition, A C e l e b r a t i o n o f the V i b r a n c y of C o l l a g e i n V a n c o u v e r . The exhibit w i l l run January 6-February 8, 1997 in the Atrium at the Hongkong Bank Building. Artists are invited to submit slides and/or actual works. D e a d l i n e for submissions: 5 p . m . , December 13, 1996. Submit to: Apples & Oranges, c/o Tom Graff. 3460 Prince Albert Street, Vancouver, B . C . V 5 V 4 H 7 . There is no fee for submission. C a l l the message centre of the Atrium Program for more information: 879-7714. Community Event--Lower Lonsdale Lands. L o w e r Lonsdale w i l l undergo considerable change over the next few years, with under developed and vacant properties being converted into a mix of commercial and residential developments. M u c h o f the vacant land is currently owned by the City of North Vancouver, and it is anticipated that the sale or lease o f this land w i l l generate several million dollars for the city. A portion o f this revenue w i l l be dedicated to c o m m u nity facilities. If you would like to see some arts and cultural development in this area, you can voice your opinion at the community meeting on N o v e m b e r 12, 1996, at 7 p . m . at C i t y H a l l . 141 West 14th Street, North Vancouver. It is very important that the voice of the cultural community be heard, so come on out. Centennial Theatre Centre TICKETS FOR ALL PERFORMANCES ON SALE AT CENTENNIAL THEATRE BOX OFFICE, PHONE 984-4484