A R T S F E S T I V/AL A U G U S T 9 - 1 8 Stephen and Gabriele Sinclair show off part of their Chinese papercut collection. Just one of several private and public collections featured in West Vancouver Collects!--a Photo: JL Gijssen. " 1 think the reason why we collect these paper cuts is. first of all, we were caught by the beauty of them and the art form. A s we started discovering more and more, we were caught by the variety of what was available. It's like any kind of passion for types of art. Something that first of all is instinctively, visually, or emotionally appealing--then you get carried away by the momentum of it. A t least for me." --Gabriele Sinclair. The art of papercuts dates as far back as the invention of paper, around the first century in China. The medium is not meant to be permanent. The papercuts are made from thin tissue type paper, and the colour quickly fades in daylight. They are often used in window decorations for a variety of celebrations. show celebrating the passion of collecting--at the West V a n c o u v e r M u s e u m & A r c h i v e s . The award winning HARMONY ARTS FESTIVAL provides a s h o w c a s e for v i s u a l , m u s i c a l , d a n c e , crafts a n d theatre arts in venues throughout West Vancouver. ArtBeat ArtSpeaks Art in the Park Artist Open Studios Gallery Shows Musical Concerts Crafts Ruth Scheuing, an artist and instructor and co-ordinator of the Textile Arts Program at Capilano College, is the winner of the 1996 Jean A . Chalmers award for crafts. Scheuing is known in Canada and the U . S . for work that is both provocative and engaging and which bridges the worlds of contemporary fine art and crafts. Her work has placed textiles within current discourse on issues such as cultural appropriation, the status o f women in developing countries and the impact of cultural tourism. The jury praised Scheuing as "a leader, an innovator and a dynamic spokesperson for textiles." Jury members commented on her "use of craft as an art form, linking crafts to fine arts and bringing contemporary issues to craftmaking." In summary, they said that she "is forging new directions for craft through her work which embraces the history and traditions of textiles with a \ icu to the future." The award is for S20.000. Harmony Theatre jtifia P i EnviroART Street Banners Kids Art Camp Harmony Art Sale C r e a t i v e K i d s Day caii 925-7290 F E S T I V/AL for m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n . A R T S