C A L L BO A RD The play's the thing! Presentation House Theatre is now gearing up for a busy and exciting fall season. Get involved, have fun and see some great theatre by joining our ushering team! For information about being an usher, please call Leslie at 990-3473. The C a n a d i a n W a t e r c o l o u r Society announces Art For the Twentieth Century work on paper. This juried exhibition is calling for entries. T h e deadline is September 1. There w i l l be $5.000 in awards and merchandise with Internet exposure. There is a $20 entry fee per slide, with a maximum of three entries. For more information senda#10SASEtoPVAS & Associates, Organizer, P.O. B o x 3810, Courtenay, B . C . V 9 N 7P2. T h e C u l t u r a l Services B r a n c h o f B r i t i s h C o l u m b i a announces that in 1996/97 there w i l l be only one deadH a r t w e l l P l a y e r s , based in Melbourne. Australia, is interested in finding a " t w i n " company in Vancouver with whom it can exchange ideas and, hopefully, arrange return visits. It would like to stage productions o f examples of the respective national play-styles in the two countries. If any group (or individual) is interested in following this This Callboard is going "Classified." To help offset advertising costs. Arts Alive is making a classified section available to people who otherwise may not be able to afford advertising rates. A d s for spaces, classes and marketplaces cost $10. A d s for employment, volunteers and opportunities w i l l remain free. Call 984-9537. line per year for operating assistance in each artistic discipline. A l l visual (galleries) and media arts organizations and arts festival want, to apply for operating assistance must apply to the September 30, 1996, deadline. Application forms w i l l be forwarded in July 1996. If you have concerns about to these deadline changes, contact Don Lindsay at (604) 356-1729 for visual or media arts or the appropriate program co-ordinator at 356-1718 for arts festivals. H a r m o n y A r t s Festival organizers are looking for volunteers to do window installations during this summer's festival. Volunteers will be invited to the opening and get a free festival T-shirt. Call R u t h at 926-7266 if interested. up. contact Steve G a g e n at hartwell@vicnet.net.au. or write to him at Hartwell Players, P.O. B o x 95, Camberwell. Victoria. Australia 3104, or fax at 613-9859-90789. Hartwell also has a Website at www.vicnet.net.au/~hartwell/index.htm. Hoty Rick Ray L a n d T h k 5 t h A n n i v e r s a r y * Samoas Denn Vint Friday September 13 A D V E N T U R E T O U R S Tuesday January 7 Cuba J Travelogues Eight °hn Holod Friday September 27 Fabulous Feature Films Portugal Dale Smith Tuesday February 25 Benelux Countries Jim Cole Narrated 1 Live on Stage by t h e i r Turkey p Tuesday November 19 Wales B Producers to the world MShyton l o u r passport Colourful, informative, educational, family entertainment! Tuesday March 11 °b Willis Friday December 6 CENTENNIAL THEATRE 2300 Lonsdale, North Van BOX OFFICE: 984-4484 Noon-4pm, Mon-Sat Member Season Price: $78 adult; $56 stdt Single seats: $13.50 Greece Grant Foster Tuesday Aprili