Under the Volcano Hits the Road JLhis year's theme for the Under the Volcano Festival is " A l l Under One B i g S k y " -- w h i c h highlights the festival becoming a "roadshow" event, starting in the Kootenay Slocan Valley. July 12-14, and moving to North Vancouver's Cates Park August 11.11 a . m . - l 1 p.m. Member of the Squamish Seagoing Society, which staged a traditional arrival in war canoes on the shores of Cates Park at last year's Under the Volcano Festival. Photo: Nancy B/eck. Under the Volcano's expansion from a "by youth, for youth" music festival founded in 1990 by the North Shore Youth Art Works Society to a major c u l tural enterprise travelling to different regions in the province has been a long haul. Under the Volcano Kootenay M u s i c Festival is being produced by festival Co-ordinator Irwin Oostindie. who splits his time between the Nelson area and North Vancouver. This year's Under the Volcano's 7th Annual Festival of Art and Social Change w i l l once again present a unique mix of street-wise hip hop and hardcore sound, together with folk, world music, spoken word and c h i l dren's programming. Produced entirely by volunteers, the event continues to operate on a "by donation" ticket price, while filling the 55-acre forested Cates Park site with music and what organizers call messages of social change. The festival mainstage w i l l be joined by a poetry stage, children's area, roving artists and voices for the environment and First Nations sovereignty. The festival w i l l again host what it calls "Grrrlapalooza." which features some of the best West Coast women performers and well suits the festival's propensity to "stir things up." In this case, organizers want to undermine the music event Lolapalooza. which w i l l run in festival Vancouver around the same time and is a high ticket price gathering of almost all-male musical performers. Organizers are looking at planned sites for 1997 to include the Cariboo, Kootenays and Tofino, while continuing to produce the local Cates Park event which attracts 8,000 people each year.c® For more festival information, call 3SS-232 7, or check out the festival's Web page at www.eyebyte.bc.ca/utv. Does your wife think you're a boorish, unrefined, uncultured Evelyn Roth's StoryteM/ng Volcano is a festival favourite and will again be a feature of this year's Under the Volcano Festival in Cates Pork, August 11. Photo: Nancy Bleck. Maybe you are. So, here's an easy way to make her think otherwise. Subscribe to Arts Alive for just SI 5 a year. Best 15 bucks \oull ever spend--and you can send Road & Track to the office. Call us at 984-9537. lout?