second and E-flat clarinet position with the V S O still amazes Everton. who thought the odds of returning to Vancouver as a symphony musician were a million to one. Everton describes herself as a bit of an oddball among the other orchestra members. A n experienced mountaineer and rock climber. Everton is a member of North Shore Rescue. She has the required map and compass skills, first-aid training and extensive knowledge of the local trails. Certainly, volunteering to search for hikers lost in the back country seems an unlikely way for a symphony musician to spend her spare time. But Everton makes it sound positively normal. She does allow, however, that it feels a little strange to sit on the stage of the Orpheum playing Mozart a couple of hours after being out in the bush looking for a lost hiker. O n the benefits to a musician o f leading an active life. Everton is unequivocal. For her, that means run- ning, hiking, mountaineering, backcountry skiing, rock-climbing, and even ice-climbing. "Sitting in a chair playing my clarinet so many hours a day. I have a lot of energy and I need to release that somehow." she says. "I think it's really good for musicians to keep fit. exercise their fingers and their arms." Everton is particularly convincing on the musical benefits of rockclimbing. A s long as she doesn't overdo it. she says, the advantages include strong fingers, improved technique and protection against injuries like tendonitis to which musicians are prone. "It really is a battle as a symphony musician to stay on top of your playing." Everton says. But her approach to life also means throwing herself "into the thick of things." Everton has done that and singlehandedly redefined what it means to be a symphony musician."" Ben D'Andrea is a freelance writer living in Burnaby. Nicola Everton,VSO clarinet player. Photo: Victor Dezso. Everton's next appearances playing with the VSO are May 17-18, Orpheum, in G e r s h w i n and C o . , and May 22 with Spirit of the W e s t Call the Symphony Hotline for other May and June dates: 976-3434. m u s i c WMMMMMEMMI Sim "fa* rM'rt Our Uncle Randy Productions & Centennial Theatre Centre Musical Theatre School for ages 10-19 at C e n t e n n i a l Theatre August 12-31 $390 REGISTER NOW! C A L L 987-PLAY