Vancouver TheatreSports League presents TheatreSports Friday & Saturday at 1 0 p m Rookie Night S u n d a y at 8 p m Another newcomer to West Vancouver is gearing up for the Christmas rush. The Foghorn Boutique (1403 Bellevue Ave., West Vancouver) is settling into its Ambleside home and co-owner Peter Smith anticipates its first Christmas season: "We carry a wide variety o f gifts created by local edition prints, watercolours, and some stunning jewelry made with 2000year-old glass set in sterling silver." Pictured above are some of the gifts available at the Foghorn Boutique. S o Y o u Call Yourself a n Artist A n shows a t a t the P lanetarium , 1 1 0 0 C hestnut St · C A L L 688-7013 for r e s e r v a t i o n s a n d Information * ffiggnfegj Beginning with our January/February issue, Arts Alive will make advertising space available to individual visual and performing artists at a special rate. The ad must be this size, but you're free to do with it as you please. We'll hang it in "The Artist Gallery" in the next issue of Arts Alive. Deadline for January/February is Dec. 1. For more information, call 9 8 4 - 9 5 3 7 . <J)esign, (production and Q 2- and 3-rJime-rtsIoqal portraiture, 2- and 3-d architectural detailing, finishes, troTnpe l'oeil, sculpture and display, contemporary' works and hi<Wpric periodization. Stone · W o o d · iV^etal · P a i n t Calendars are always a great gift idea. Vancouver publisher Douglas & Mcintyre has lots of 1996 calendars to choose from. Pictured above is a new calendar called Aurora. The Mysterious Northern Lights, $14.95. It also carries a number of visual art collectives such as Masters of the Arctic, Contemporary course. Emily Carr. Native Art, People of the Nass River and, of Tom McKinnon dip Design, BFA, MFA ^Riraio 9 < res 873-28 Artist Supporting Activities · Seminars on Professional Practises · F i n d i n g and Referral Services · M a r k e t Analysis Studies · Research, F u n d i n g and Resources · Planning 1045 H o w e Street Suite 701 Vancouver, B . C . Canada V6Z2A9 Phone: (604) 685-8066 F a x : (604) 684-3255 A r t s Consultant Jeanne Sarich H A P P Y S H O P P I N G from Arts Alive! · Internet M a r k e t i n g