History-onics (West Vancouver, BC: West Vancouver Historical Society), 1 Jun 2012, p. 7

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Ev e n t s to N ote "Cottages to C om m u nity" Still fo r Sale ter* f e y y Our salute to West Van's Centennial is Still for sale although the numbers available are diminishing rapidly. They are available at the Museum, the West Van Library and many fine local retailers.They will also be available at Centennial celebrations in June. S um m er BBQ is August 25th. Don't forget our annual BBQ on Saturday, August 25th at noon on the grounds of the Gertrude Lawson House, 17th and Esquimalt. Hamburgers, hotdogs, pie and entertainment. Reminders will be sent out in early August. $5 donations are accepted. The W est Van Historical Society has som e recent aw ard s to celebrate. Cottages to Community W e have just received notification from the British C olu m b ia Historical Federation that "C o tta g e s to C o m m u n ity " has received an H onourable M ention in their annual book com petition Th e aw ards will be handed out on M a y 5th in C am pb ell River. A uthor Francis M ansbridg e will atten d the dinner and receive the aw ard from the LieutenantGovernor. Price is $40 Lighthouse Area Tour on BC Day On BC Day, August 6th., the Light Station Preservation Sub committee and the West Van Historical Society plan to hold free guided tours of the lighthouse area. This does not include the Lighthouse itself as it is under the jurisdiction of the federal government. This event is to ^ celebrate the 100th Birthday of the present Lighthouse. Annual G eneral M eeting M ay 16th. Don't forget the Annual General Meeting on May 16th at 7 pm at the West Van Seniors Centre Two items of business: · election of the 2012/13 board. · guest speaker Barrie Chapman on tales of the early West Vancouver telephone system. Lighthouse Preservation Society It has just been announced that the Light Station Preservation Society S u b -co m m itte e of the W est V ancouver Historical Society has been aw arded a C entennial grant of $ 6 6 5 by the W est Vancouver Foundation. This grant will be used to upgrade the interpretive centres for the special birthday event on August 6th. Artifacts, historical photos and docum ents relating to the station's foghorns, its light and its keepers. Watch for further details in late July. Centennial Com m unity Day Saturday, June 2nd. Start at 9:30 am at Hollyburn School to celebrate its 100th Birthday. Continue at Ambleside Park and throughout the community to celebrate West Vancouver's 100th Birdiday. Enjoy Maypole Dancing bands, children's activities and performances and local events. Historical Photos All historical photos used in this publication, unless otherwise noted, are supplied by the West Vancouver Archives. page 11