History-onics (West Vancouver, BC: West Vancouver Historical Society), 1 Mar 2012, p. 6

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BAS' PLACE - West Van's First Gas Pump T he pum p in the picture to the right is the first gas pum p in W est Vancouver. It only pum ped one gallon when cranked up, then had to repeat for a second gallon. T h e gas was hand cranked into a glass co n tain er in the pum p and then fed by gravity to a square tin and th en pored into the car. C ost was io cents p er gallon. T his pum p was first located at Cliff Searle's Vernon Feed Store at the corner o f i8th and M arine. It was there in 1923 and m ight have been there earlier (inform ation from H ow ard Fletcher, p ro p rieto r o f the H ollyburn T h e a tre and Bill D ennison). A Miss M cO w en w orked in th e store. Mr. Searle had a 1923 C hevrolet for delivery o f feed. G ilbert Schuyler and H arry Farr bought and m oved th e gas pum p to th e ir gas station at 14th and M arine in 1928-1929. Bill G ro u t took over this station in 1930, w hen it becam e a Shell station. M ost o f Photo is of Bill Grout's Shell station in 1400 block of Marine circa 1930. Pump is beside man to the right. (0058.WVA.RAH) the gas stations in th e 1930's were H om e Oil Gas. By 1929 neighbourhood gas stations were com m on. Austin Taylor, a prom inent businessm an founded the H om e Oil Co. in 1928 to m arket gasoline and fuel oil. In 1937 the com pany became a wholly ow ned subsidiary o f Imperial Oil bu t H om e O il's name did not disappear from service stations until 1976 (rem em ber the one at the north-east corner o f Taylor Way and M arine Drive). New Members Dara M a cG o w a n J o -a n n M ahon Leonard Evenden G w en Kievell K ath ie Lefeaux S' P h otos w ith id e n tify in g n um bers a fte r th em arecou rtesy o f the W est, V ancouver A rc h iv e s Corporate Sponsors The West V ancouver H isto rica l S ociety wishes to thank the fo llo w in g fo r the ir generous support. British P acific Properties Chapm an Land Surveying Ltd. Dr. Bryan Hicks, Inc. H ollyburn Funeral Hom e B arry's A u to m o tive Service Laura M illar S chool D istrict #45 the D istrict o f W est V ancouver through its 2011 G rant A ssistance Program C apilano G olf and C o un try C lub W etm ore M o tors S im p son H om e Hardware Dave's A u to B ody Shop N orth S hore Driving S chool Royal C anadian Legion Branch #60