History-onics (West Vancouver, BC: West Vancouver Historical Society), 1 Mar 2012, p. 5

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WEST VANCOUVER HISTORICAL SOCIETY MEMORIES S P R IN G 2012 Vinson H ouse (continued) V ancouver's m ore p ro m in en t pioneers. H e played a very im po rtan t role in the early developm ent o f both the m unicipality and the com m unity, serving as C ouncillor in 1915 and holding the office o f Reeve in 1918-20, 1922, and 1927-29, having been defeated at the polls only once. M uch w as accom plished during V inson's term s in office. His death in 1934 a t the age o f 56, "threw the w hole m unicipality this w eek into a state o f gloom . A nd in view o f his long and faithful public service it is only right a n d p roper th at this should be so. In his death W est V ancouver lost a very true and faithful citizen and w e a loyal friend." {West Vancouver News, M arch 29, 1934). V inson was a well- know n professional ph o to g rap h er w ho ow ned and ran the King Studio on H astings Street, one o f the oldest established photographic studios in V ancouver. The K ing Studio took m any early W est V ancouver school photos. V inson w ould have com m uted to and from w ork on the ferry from the foot o f 14th Street, in Ambleside. V inson creek, w hich runs thro u g h the British Properties and A m bleside, and through w h at used to be the V inson estate, w as nam ed after him. P resented by T heatre W est Van Wednesday to Saturday April 13th to April 28th 8 pm By Carol Howie Photo: Blanche and Valient Vinson having tea on theirfro n t porch in the early 1920's. (014. WVA.MUL) Kay Meek Studio Tickets at (604) 913-3634 or w w w .kavm eekcnetre.com SPECIAL NOTICE The Museum now houses many pieces of art that, for insurance purposes, must be protected. As a result, the Curator of the Museum has asked that a Board member accompany all visitors to the Historical Society office.