History-onics (West Vancouver, BC: West Vancouver Historical Society), 1 Mar 2012, p. 2

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W EST VANCOUVER HISTORICAL SOCIETY FR O M T H E P R E S ID E N T W est Vancouver's io o th birthday celebrations are now upo n us. M arch 15th, 2012 is our actual birthday and plans are underw ay for an exhibit at the W est Vancouver M em orial Library on th a t day. Five days later, on M a rch 2 0 th , 2012, th e H istorical Society will open an exhibit featuring photographs and artifacts from the first cen tu ry at the W est Vancouver M useum at th e G e rtru d e Lawson H ouse. A J o u r n e y T h r o u g h T im e has been a joint undertaking un d er the auspices o f David Barker, Bas Collins, Bud Griffiths, and a com m ittee o f A nn B rousson,Jim C arter, W endy Topham and Barbara H unter. Carol H ow ie o f th e M useum staff has generously given h er tim e in collating the m aterial and g ettin g it ready. We know th a t you are going to w ant to com e and view th e ir efforts. M useum hours at 680 17th Street, W est Vancouver, are Tuesday to Saturday 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. T h e sales o f th e book C o tta g e s to C o m m u n ity have exceeded our expectations. A great am ount o f volunteer tim e and effort has gone into the m arketing o f this book. M any o f you have made your purchases and we urge you to consider buying extra copies before th e supplies ru n out. T his boo k was our major co n trib u tio n to the centennial year and it will be on sale for the rest o f this year while stock lasts. Enorm ous praise is earned by the Book C om m ittee for this endeavour. T h e m em bers Francis M ansbridge, Jo h n M oir C olleen W ood, Jim Carter, Dave Barker, and Bruce Young plus many m em bers o f the Board o f th e MEMORIES SPRING 2012 W e s t V an cou ver H isto rica l Society 680 -17th Street, West Vancouver, BC.V7V-3T2 Phone:778-279-2235 e-mail: vwhs@shaw.ca web site: wvhs.ca It is Society policy: - that every effort is made to ensure that all articles are accurate but the Society takes no responsibility for inaccuracies. - that opinions expressed in contributions and presentations are those of the author and are not necessarily those of the Society. - that excerpts from the newsletter must be attributed to "The West Vancouver Historical Society" and reproductions in whole or in part are not permitted without the express authorization of the Society. H istorical Society all deserve a much needed break from the m arketing campaign. We are in th e process o f setting up a co m m ittee to help in th e distribution o f funds from the sale o f the book w hich is for the benefit o f the M useum and Archives and th e W est Vancouver M em orial Library M ore inform ation on this will be forthcom ing. As President, I am a m em ber o f th e W est Vancouver C entennial C om m ittee along w ith many o th er representatives o f th e community. It is hoped th a t we can open up the Lighthouse for public viewing on the August holiday and we are w orking tow ard th a t end. C elebrations will be going on all year long but the tw o major events will be a cerem ony on M arch 5th and a major splash on Ju n e 2nd, C om m unity Day. W e hope th a t you will enjoy and p articipate in th e planned celebrations. O u r regular M arch G eneral M eeting will be held at th e W est Vancouver Seniors C en tre on M arch 1 4 th a t 7.111. in the M arine Room. O u r guest speaker will be D on G ran t w hose topic will be H o lly b u r n L o d g e th r o u g h th e S e a s o n s and G e n e r a tio n s w ith a sixty m inute video containing historical and contem porary photographs. This p resentation has taken many hours to compile and we know you will be happy w ith D on's results. We look forward to seeing you at our next m eeting and to renewing 2012 m em berships for those who have yet to do so. Ann Brousson, President, V olu m e 29, N u m b e r I Spring 2012 B oard M em bers President Ann Brousson Vice-President vacant Past President Jim Carter Treasurer: Marilyn Rhodes Secretary: Pam Dalik Membership: Wendy Topham Newsletter: Dave Barker Directors:Yvonne Bower Rod Day Elaine Graham Don Grant Barbara Hunter Rob Morris Heidi Neff Tom Wardell PAGE 2