History-onics (West Vancouver, BC: West Vancouver Historical Society), 1 Mar 2012, p. 10

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WEST VANCOUVER HISTORICAL SOCIETY M E M O R IE S O V E R 2 ,0 0 0 C O P I E S O F "C O T T A G E S T O C O M M U N I T Y " S O L D T h e public reception for the book has been outstanding. T h e support o f our m em bership along w ith the many sales outlets th a t have carried the book since the release in Septem ber have resulted in the Society paying off all debts resulting from the p rep aratio n and printing o f "C o ttag es". O u r p rin t run o f 3,000 copies may no t last us through the C entennial year. O nce th e first edition is sold ou t there is no guarantee th a t the Board will authorize a second printing. Sales have now to p p ed $75,000. W e are continuing to sell through th e m ajority o f our existing outlets. T h e Library, th e M useum , H ollyburn C o u n try Club, R oger's C hocolates in Park Royal, th e Ferry Building Gallery, the Silk Purse, Avant G ardener, the Red H orses in D undarave, the Spirit Gallery in H orseshoe Bay are all continuing sales. We will continue to sell the boo k at events th ro u g h o u t the C entennial celebrations. SPRING 2012 T h e co ntributions made by many sources to the p rinting o f the book, along w ith the book sales have pu t us in a position to realize our dream o f funding projects to preserve the history o f W est Vancouver, T h e Board is currently developing criteria for granting funds for w orthy projects to the Archives, the Library, the M useum, com m unity groups or schools. T E N T A T IV E F I G U R E S F O R D O N A T IO N S A N D SA L E S T O D A TE T h e sales figures are tentative because a num ber o f books are still ou t for sale and will be changing on an ongoing basis. T h e don atio n figures are final. T h ey w ere recently bo o sted by a $25,000 g ran t from the Federal H eritage M inistry for the pro d u ctio n o f the book. U ntil recently, we w ere un certain w h eth er or n o t we w ould receive the grant. In c o m e A pproxim ate revenue from book sales to date $76,826 D o n atio n s and grants Total 71,862 $148,688 A dditional sales in the com ing m onths will add to the grants total E xp en ses Paym ent to au th o r (10%) and P hotographer (5%) o f gross sales for the first year o f sales only $11,523 Fixed Expenses (design, printing, honoraria, incidental expenses) 7L447 $82,970 Total Available for grants - to date $65,718 r A N ER R O R - " Lest W e F o rg e t" In the last addition of "M EM ORIES" w e failed to credit the source of much of the writing in the article on Bill Millerd and the information it contained to a booklet on the subject by Frank Millerd. Also the picture is of Bill Millerd. For this w e apologize. PAGE 10