History-onics (West Vancouver, BC: West Vancouver Historical Society), 1 Mar 2012, p. 8

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The Bread Lady In looking through the files o f a previous editor o f the newsletter, Anne Vernon, I recently came across a letter written by Larry and Barbara Hughes in 2003. It contained an article written by Larry' s cousin Vincent Hernandez about his life with his mother on Hollybum Mountain in the late 30's. It is an interesting look at the Depression and the lives o f the people on Hollybum during that time. **** I believe the year was 1936, w hen I was seven years old, that my m o th er and father decided to separate. W e had been living in W est V ancouver, at Fifteenth and Palm erston, across the street from the Langley's. A fter the breakup my m other and I went to live w ith my gran d m o th er for a tim e in the big brow n house on the top o f Sentinel Hill. For those few people old enough to rem em ber, this w as the house th at could be seen so prom inently from the W est V ancouver Ferry as it forged its w ay through the First N arrow s tow ards Ambleside dock. I cannot rem em ber how long we lived w ith my G randm other, bu t apparently it was long enough for my m other to decide and act upon a few things. R em em ber this was in the D irty Thirties, w hen jobs were not very plentiful. I guess she did not expect to receive any m oney from my father, or perhaps she w ould not touch it even if it were offered. W hatever the case, she decided to move to H ollybum M ountain w here she could earn a living (she hoped) and at the sam e tim e keep an eye on her young son while he was growing up. To get started she borrow ed m oney from m y grandm other and, I believe, from my Uncle Larry, in order to build and furnish a cabin on the m ountain. Tow ard the end of the nineteen thirties there was a small population of sem i-perm anent residents on H ollybum M ountain. At "First L ake" , as it was called, there were "the Sw edes"- O scar, Andrew, Ole and Steena - w ho ow ned and operated the H ollybum Ski Lodge; Ted Russell, the municipal Ranger, his wife Ada, and daughter Evelyn; and Mr. Pogue, the elderly resident guru. A t "W est Lake", which I rem em ber (perhaps incorrectly) as being about tw o miles south of First Lake, there were the Jones brothers, Fred and Harry, w ho were busy building the "new " W est Lake Ski Lodge in a location that was outside the boundaries of the W est V ancouver w atershed area (w here the old one had been located). Between W est Lake and H ollybum Lake and to the west, there w ere num erous cabins scattered around the m ountain. I w ould guess that there w ere at least fifty, perhaps more. Continued on next page Photos: Upper Left: cabins at First Lake, 1930's: ( 0358. WVA.PHO) Centre: 2 girls packed and ready, 1950's: (053WVA.HHS.FIA) Upper Right: Stonehaven Cabin - Eva and George Firth and friends: 1937: (550.rVVA.HHS.GLL)