Volume 1 Number 5 November/December 89 January 90 A PUBLICATION OF THE NORTH & WEST VANCOUVER COMMUNITY ARTS COUNCILS IN THIS ISSUE - LOOK FOR our usual coverage of what is happening in the Arts on the North Shore in November, December and January and some special Holiday Season events happening elsewhere. We also include COURSES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR ARTISTS, Arts Council Reports and a list of CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIRS. We are featuring a Close-up of North V ancouver w riter CRAW FORD KILIAN by Cheryl Whittaker. Also in this issue, we are again pleased to feature the drawings of WV Artist FORREST JOHNSON. Because of space limitations in the last issue we were only able to print two of her drawings. As this is our CHRISTMAS ISSUE, we at NSAN would like to wish our readers a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season and New Year. JUST WHAT IS AN ARTS COMMISSION? I was requested to write an article about the North Shore Arts Commission ex plaining why the Commission was created, how it works and what relevance that has to you, the cultural community. Unfortunately I was given insufficient notice to adequately address these topics for this issue of the North Shore Arts News. I can give a brief summary as to what the North Shore Arts Commission is doing and will write subsequent articles throughout the year dealing with specific topics such as " The Public Support of Culture" , " Arts Facilities: What Do We Really Need?" , " Making A Living in the Arts" . The North Shore Arts Commission was created jointly by the Districts of West & North Vancouver and the City of North Vancouver to facilitate the needs of north shore artists and cultural organizations, to enhance the existing cultural infrastructure and to nurture a creative environment. The Commission and I, as their represen tative in the field, will work towards these goals by: --Establishing consultation services for the Arts community; --Working with Government on your behalf to develop cultural initiatives; --Creating a network which will allow you access to information on Federal, Provincial and local levels in order to provide the tools for effective plann ing and development. As Cultural Development Officer I will assist you in organizing the Arts Com munity into a constituency which has a voice in our political system. The will to do this must come from you - the Cultural Community. As your Cultural Develop ment Officer I function as a handmaiden in this process. What we are talking about is effective community building! I am available for individual consultation and studio visits THURSDAY and FRI DAY AFTERNOONS between 1:00 and 5:00 p.m. at 148 E. 2nd., North Van couver. Please phone 980-3559 for an appointment. Carolyn Frances Lair Cultural Development Officer North Shore Arts Commission WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT THE NORTH SHORE ARTS NEWS IS NO W PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER. And it costs a bit less too. Literary Arts Visual Arts Performing Arts Civic Arts