NOTICE: Attn to all 2 D artists: There is studio and Gallery space available cit only $ 200 per month. Call Gary at 604-929-4001 or E-MAIL at <> Lynnrnour Studio & Gallery, 301 1467 Crown St. North Vancouver. WORKSHOPS: The Joyce Kamikura Interpretive Acrylic workshop was filled with very enthusiastic NSAG members. Her classes were a success with everyone learning something from the I experience. The Frankie Watt classes had to be cancelled since we had less than ten members sign up for the workshop. Seventeen members have signed up for the Alan Wylie workshop at Klee Wyck on November 22, 23. David Langevin will give the next workshop on January 30, 31. His workshop is already full. Adrienne Moore will be giving a demonstration at one of our monthly meetings. On February 28 and March 1 she will be giving a workshop in acryllic collage. The sign up sheet for her classes will be posted on January 14 at our first general monthly meeting of 2009. Information on the artists can usually be found on the Internet. The schedule of workshops for 2008 2009 is found on the NSAG website. - Anne-Marie Calder & Genevieve Gillett NSAG Workshop Co-Directors DECEMBER MEETING: Please remember that in place of our December lOti,. meeting, we are going to relax and socialize at our Christmas party. guests are welcome. Pot luck, cold finger food requested. Donations for the door prizes can be brought to the event. I am still requesting someone to organize the music as I have no player myself, any appropriate background music would do. Wine and other beverages will be available and a surprise entertainer is coming. If you plan on buying tickets at the door it would be helpful for me to know. My phone number is 604-987-4064. Please remember to include anyone standing alone, they are here to meet people and we can show what a friendly group we are by including them into groups or introducing them to other members. New members, please feel free to just start out with a phrase such as `I am new to the club, may I join you (or help you)? My name is... I am looking forward to a fun evening. Cathy Roddie. P.O. Box 91051 West Vancouvei B. C V7V 3N3 Serving V7suaI Artists frorn?Furry- Creek to Deep Cove since 1Q47