SEPTEMBER2008 NEWSLETFER PAGES Membership who have agreed to help in the following areas: First I would like to welcome our newest members, Robert Decoste, exhibitions and the newsletter, Joyce Beveridge, willing helper, Sylvia Dorling, baking, ing and jury assistance, Rhonda Honing, breakdown after meetings, phon and newsletter, Dna Richter, breakdown after meetings, baking , Beatrijs Brett, workshop assistance up, bio binder, Janna Kumi, Harmony arts, socials, phoning, set Meag Troy, phoning, and Ion Bagneres, Harmony arts. memberships. Thank you to members who have renewed their wed. Any members who do not renew before the We have 36 Members who still have not yet rene bers of the Guild and will be ineligible to show end of September will lose their status as active mem your cheque ($45 active, $30 supporting) at Art Shows. To retain your eligibility, please send payable to the North Shore Artist's Guild to: ouver, V7S 2X2. Susan Goodeve, 4675 Woodview Place, West Vanc ce to update their volunteer interests at the I would ask that anyone who did not have a chan h is posted on the Guild Website, and email meeting please to review the Volunteer Roster, whic particular, I would remind you that we need a me with any changes at In with both the Annual Fine Arts Sale and the new Treasurer, a Volunteer Coordinator, and help Christmas Party. Respectfully submitted by Susan Goodeve MEMBERS WHO HAVE NOT RENEWED: Rick (Richard) Alexander Traute Axen Lorrelt Barker Elizabeth Child Dawno Coady Johcsnno Combtink Evy oj Ebbeh Judy Fladell Susan Fraser Dana Gavrilescu Richelle Grist Carol Homer ldeh Jolilian Mory on Kempt Debra Kennedy Marlene Kennon Silvano Kriegel Iris Low rena Malarchuk Giorgina Mastrontonlo Elsie Motheson Annette Moorhouse Anne Morley Jill Newby Edie Nolan Clara Peters Barbara Roberts Janet Ross Charlotte Scott All Shahidi Rick Summers Deb Taylor Altonso L Tejado Maria Velozquez Rosemarie Wade Diane Zylka Fleming URGENT CALL FOR A MEMBER TO FILL THE interim POSITION OF: TREASURER! it you can balance your cheque book, wish for an opportunity to get to know the art community first hand and have a bit of extra time to work with a team of impassioned artists, WE WANT YOU!