PAGE 4 SEPTEMBER 2008 NEWSLE1IER Ferry Building Gallery NSAG Show: a reminder of the upcoming show cit the Ferry Building Gallery. · . . Raffle Committee Needs your Help: Your Raffle Committee, Florence Allardice and Nell Turner are requesting our members to come forward and volunteer to work in the following Malls selling tickets for the three great donations given to us by noted artists: Elizabeth Smily, Craig Yeats and Daniel Izzard. WE WOULD LIKE TWO PEOPLE TO WORK TOGETHER IN EACH TIME SLOT PARK ROYAL SAT. OCTOBER 11 11:00 2:00 P.M. TWO VOLUNTEERS 2:00 4:00 P.M. SUN. OCTOBER 12 11:00-2:00 P.M. 2:00 4:00 P.M. - support All members are very welcome to attend and them your fellow artists. Bring a few friends, and have Choice (and you) vote for your favourite for the People's Award. opening Consider coming to the reception at 6:30pm on location, night, Oct 7. To get details on gallery hours and click on For those of you with work In the show, a supply day of posters/cards will be at the Gallery after Tues this week. You can hand them out or send them out to your contacts. dy On the topic of contacts, and if you haven't alrea act cont done so, be reminded that the names and People's information of anyone who voted for you in a to you able avail is s Choice Award in the past 3 or so year ly high via the Guild website. If the people thought they may past, the in you enough of your work to vote for this show. be interested in seeing more of your work at ite. Click on To check this out, just Login to the Guild webs ort Others' My Membership in the menu. Then select "Imp es offered to Shared Contacts". If you do have some nam h ones to whic you, then you can view them and decide contacts accept or not. They then go into your personal have data base or added to any contacts you may add previously imported or entered. You can also ces so sour r othe from contacts to the same data base you out, rial the next time you want to send some mate will be all set.. - CAPILANO MALL SAT. OCTOBER 18 11:00-2:00 p.m. 2:00 4:00 SUN. OCTOBER 19 11:00-2:00 2:00-4:00 - LYNN VALLEY 11:00-2:00 2:00-4:00 SAT. NOVEMBER 1 SUN. NOVEMBER 2 11:00-2:00 2:00-4:00 This will also be a great way to advertise our Annual Fine Art Sale by distributing bookmarks to the General Public! Florence 604 925 3039, or email: Nell at 604 922 1653, or email: - - - We will also have volunteer sheets available at the general meetings. Thank you, can count on you. we know we F. V7V3N3 P.O. Box 91051 West Vancouver, B. C. Deep Cove since 1947 Serving Visual Artists from Furry Creek to