PAGE 12 JUNE 2008 NEWSLETTER Harmony Arts Festival 2008 Daily Team Leaders will be contacted by Cathy next month to arrange a meeting date. Instructions for both team leaders and sitters will be at the Harmony tent. Jennifer Tunner is the equipment captain and Jayne St. John is the hanging captain. We still need to help Jennifer find strong young men to move the panels for opening on Friday Aug 1 for about 1 th hour starting at Klee Wyck at 8.3Oam or so. Again to remove equipment on Sunday 10 Aug at 6pm. If you know of some young men, sons; Grandsons; husbands? Jennifer would love to hear from you. I really appreciate the club members who have stepped up to help even though they do not have paintings in the show, and those who are giving extra help. Please remember their kindness and in future return the favour at future shows you are not involved with. It is hard that Harmony happens in August when so many have vacation plans or do not wish to commit in advance but please remember without the full participation of members involved, we cannot run these events for you. You may not know in advance but we need to plan in advance. Also the volunteer time phoning, cajoling and emailing to find helpers is enormous. Thank you so much to those of you who are fully playing your part, the silent ones, and the ones who say yes. Instructions to artists Spare paintings are the ones we put in place of sold ones. If your jury sheet shows HAS instead of HA it means it is a spare. Do not bring spares to Harmony until Edith contacts you. Location East of the Harmony Arts office on Bellevue, West Vancouver. Date and Time Friday August 1 9am. Payment $4.00 per painting. If you do not already have them, you will need security wires for each painting, available at the registration desk for $1.00 each. Please have the exact cash needed to assist our volunteer cashier and keep things moving. Reciuired You are required to sit, or appoint a substitute sitter, for a sitting shift for You can sign up on the website, or phone Jean Vanderley. You will have to sign a GST waiver, available at desk. There is a universal code of honour that if you sell a painting up to 30 days after a show, as a direct result of that show, you are required to pay the percentage to the show organizer, in this case 30% to Harmony Arts. Suggested Place a business card taped to the back of your painting. People love to know something about the artist so feel free to put anything you want about you or the painting on the back. I am willing to accept half a dozen business cards at the desk but I will not be responsible for them. They will be filed alphabetically. At any time to the end of Harmony you can collect them, after that I will recycle them. This is a courtesy to you so that if anyone is interested but not ready to buy, they may pick up a card. You may wish to include cards in your bio cover if you prefer, so that they are not recycled. Please bring an updated, 1 or 2 sided bio page in an 8 X 11", three hole protective cover if you have not already given one to Heather Luccock. Reguested If you would be available for extra shifts for someone who can't make it, we would love to have your name, please let Jean Vanderley know. An emergency list of volunteers could be valuable. If possible it would be great if the last shift of each day stay until the concert crowd drops by at 9pm. Pick up 7.30 pm Aug th 10 of your paintings Paintings will not be released early. P.O Box 91051 West Vancouver B. C'. V7V 3N3 Serving Visual Artists from Furry Creek to Deep Cove since 1947