JUNE 2008 NEWSLETTER Minutes of Annual General Meeting Tuesday, June 17, 2008 PAGE 9 1. Jacquie called the meeting to order 2. Move to adopt the minutes of the last meeting Gunvor Arnold motioned. Georgette Sinclair seconded. Carried. 3. Jacquie declared that this is the AGM of the North Shore Artists' Guild and that we have a quorum (25) to make it official. Active and Life members can vote. 4. Announcements: 1. NSAG has been accepted for this year's Harmony Arts Festival 2. Sign-up sheet for roster for this year's Harmony Arts Festival is ready at back of room at break Lynn Webster and Cathie Roddie are at the back table with the duty roster. 5. AGENDA 1. Directors' Reports: Past President-Larry Achtemichuk 1. A survey has been drafted and Larry invited members to provide some input regarding what they would like to have discussed on the survey. He encouraged everyone to participate when the survey is distributed in the fall. Treasurer- Victor Smith 1. Victor reviewed the financial statements as approved by the Board. Victor explained that the balance sheet does not show our greatest asset the volunteers who make our guild possible. Victor recognized those who helped spend and collect money throughout the year. He also thanked his two assistants, Christine Mullins and Patricia Windsor, and our auditor, Alannah Haynes. We have spent 90 cents of every dollar we have brought in. This has been our most successful year in history which Victor accredits to our AFAS and the Klee Wyck group. Increased number of members were able to display and sell paintings (41,000 in sales vs. 6,000 the year before (550% increase). We seek to maintain operating reserves of 1 years worth of operations. We operated at a loss last year, but we have a modest surplus from this year. We have been able to repay our savings and make some capital purchases. We are in good shape to start spending next year, but we can't count on the same success for the AFAS, so we need to have a buffer thus the slight increase in our dues. 2. Victor moved that the financial statements be approvei Georgette Sinclair seconded the motion. Carried. 3. Victor motioned that Alannah remain our auditor for another year June Harman seconded. Carried. iii. Exhibitions- Heather Luccock 1. The date for the Harmony Arts Festival is August 1-10. 2. Membership dues need to be paid up before the HAF begins. 3. Heather requested that members update their bios to reflect the new name of our club and to include their current cv. Heather will accept new bios tonight and at the HAF. 4. Heather explained that a great deal of her job this year had to do with the AFAS. Heather thanked Edith Warner, Jim Elton and Roger Ayliffe for setup help, Larry Achtemichuk for making the new easels, and all others who helped. 5. Last September our Park Royal show was cancelled and since then we have lost our ongoing venues. d 6. We had one jurying this year on May 3 We sent CDs to the jurors this year in order to try something new. 7. Ferry Building show will be in October of 2008. 8. We will continue to get a show at CityScape Gallery on Lonsdale for 2009. 9. With regard to plein air painting, Art in the Park is a HAF festival opportunity for artists who wish to participate. The artist just needs to let the festival office know that you wish to participate. Heather will provide more details in the newsletter. 10. We have to share our tent again this year with the photographic group. -- -- --