MAY 2008 NEWSLETtER PAGE 7 6. Jeri Canderan workshops a. Last workshop of the year this weekend Suzanne Northcott. Workshop is full with all paid up. There are four on the wait list so if anyone needs to cancel they should contact Jeri. 7. Cathy Roddie membership (for Wanda Doyle) a. Four new members today, three guests. 108 attending in total. -- -- -- New Business 1. 2. 3. Jacquie asked members to come up with a good theme for June's meeting so that members can bring paintings to display and share with other members. (A Place to Ponder announced at the end of the meeting.) New Venue Jacquie invited members to call or email Larry or Jacquie with venue ideas. Churches, rec centers, west van schools (no custodial?) Criteria seating 135150, storage for demo table, library, membership items, chairs, tables, sound system, parking, kitchen (water access), preferably Tuesday, but not necessary. We currently play $140 per evening here. So far we've found prices of $195-$300 per evening. Free paper and mats from Tessa Johnson are at the back. Donations for Charlotte Grundig Palliative Care Fund will be happily accepted. -- -- Meeting adjourned.