- -- -- -.tst PAGE 6 - ,MAY 2008NEWSLErFER -- - ---t'- Minutes of Meeting Tuesday, May 20, 2008 Jacquie called the meeting to order. Jacquie asked for a motion to pass last month's minutes. Jim Foreman motioned and Patricia seconded. No errors or omissions. Carried. Directors' reports: 1·1 :g 8 1 i ,k--3: ·. 75 ` Jacquie asked that members pile the chairs on the tables at the back at the end of the meeting so that they can be put away properly. 1. Jacquie Manning President a. Jacquie announced that we have to find a new venue as of the end of June. This is due to a daycare using our current facility and this daycare has more equipment that needs to stay permanently set up. The executive members are looking for new venues, but we have not been successful yet. b. June AGM we will have a discussion on capping the membership at this meeting. Jacquie suggested that if there is anything else that members would like to discuss at the AGM they are to contact her between now and then. c. Jury scores are available at the back with Edith during the break. For those who are not here tonight Edith will mail or email results. 2. Larry Achtemichuk past president a. Larry talked about the member survey that takes place about every two years. He believes it to be a very valuable tool that helps to plot the direction of the club. We have a rough draft prepared for the next survey, but Larry invited members to contact him if they have anything they think should be included in the survey. 3. Florence Allardice publicity a. June 6, is the last First Friday show of this year. It comprises a group of painters: Florence Allardice, Inge Bachrich, Jane Drury, the late Charlotte Grundig, Shelley James, Betty Johannsson, Tessa Johnston, Heather Luccock, Grace McAuley, Anne McMahon, Marguerite Mahy, Charlotte Scott, Jayne St. John, Joanna Walton. 4. Nell Turner Corresponding Secretary a. Nell sent out condolence cards to families of Barbara McAdams, Charlotte Grundig, Elwood Hewgill (who made our demo table years ago) and Donna Morgan. Donna's daughter, Diane, contributed some of her mother's art-related memorabilia to the club which Nell has put in the archives. b. For the archives, if anyone has club related items that they would like included in the archives they could bring them to Nell. (historical value, things of interest, photographs, etc) 5. Heather Luccock Exhibitions a. Caroline Kulwica asked Heather to mention that Ann Archer of the Vitamin House is interested in having paintings hanging for ongoing show type venue. Contact Caroline b. Heather and Larry met with Linda Feil at the NVAC and had a good discussion about how our two clubs might work together so that we can show paintings at their gallery. We have until early November to resubmit a show idea that will work well with their format. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P.O. Box 91051 West Vancouver B. C. r ,n c, V7V3N3 n -- a \ Re nf A r+c be Fr -- C, rn, Crc a L.- 4 n 7Th a a c C n a r 7 C47