WWW.NSARTISTS.CA NORTj SHORE ARTISTS GUILD North Shore Artists'G uiid. May 2008 Newsletter WEST VANCOUVER Message from the PreflP!A URP Greetings everyone and welcome to embersf You've joined us at a time of major changesq leäe bear with us. It is not always this hectic. As most of you have probably heard byt sruild has been asked tog vacate the premises where wèVe erholdin our meetings for "beyond forever"! St. SfépPên%Añ1ican Church is taking on a new daycare as of the end of June 2008 so we must have all our equipment and supplies removed from the basement area by the end of June. They offered us a room upstairs but all the rooms up there are far too small to accommodate our members. The executive has been scrambling since the second Tuesday in May to find another venue. We have a couple of "possibles" but until we have something definite we're asking all members to put on your thinking caps for possible facilities you may know about that might fill the bill. The criteria are as follows: We need space to accommodate 135 to 150 people; we need storage for our library and membership materials (we hope to build a tallish cupboard on wheels that will house our library and other supplies and so take up a minimum of space); we require parking so if the facility doesn't have much parking attached to it there needs to be adequate street parking; We need access to a kitchen or at least to water and a place to set up our coffee and tea urns; And an existing sound system would be nice although we do have our own cordless microphone but we need an amp to plug it in to. If you find somewhere you think is a good one, please find out as many details as you can and then contact either Larry Achtemichuk or me and we will pursue it. At present we are paying $140 for the evening all inclusive. I'm thinking we'll probably have to pay more so don't let the price of the rent deter you from a likely facility. At our Annual General Meeting in June we will have a discussion on "capping" the membership. If there are any other issues we think we need to discuss please contact me and I'll discuss it with the other directors and if appropriate, add it to the agenda. So onward and upward everyone! Let's find a new home that fits our needs spectacularly with no posts to have to peer around! Submitted by, Jacquie Manning 604 980 8907 jacquie@keynote tech. corn -- Inside This Issue 1 2 2 Message from the President Exhibitions Announcing AGM Jurying Publicity Membership Past President's Report - U 3 3 4 5 6 7 9 Minutes from May 20, 2008 Jurying Report/Details 8 - Next Meeting: Annual General Meeting Tuesday, June 17th, 7-9:3Opm. St. Stephen's Church Hall, 885 22nd Street West, West Vancouver, BC -- -