APRIL 2008 NEWSLEITER PAGE 3 Jurying TIME TO GET YOUR ENTRIES IN' Please submit your email entries, with or without images, to me at warneren@telus.net. Time is running out! See previous newsletters and the website for information on submitting. www.nsartists.ca Or feel free to call or email me. Best of luck with all your submissions. Submitted by, Edith Warner 604-980-5358 zvarneren@telus.net FREE MATS AND FRAMES: I am downsizing and have some mats and a few frames free to members that want them .CalI me, Tess Johnston, at 604-922-8238 or e-mail me at tessj@shaw.ca. Treasurer - Membership Dues Increased Recognizing that general operations expenses have risen to where they exceed the basic income of the Guild, the members voted to increase annual dues by five dollars. During the past two years, the Guild operated at a loss slightly exceeding a thousand dollars per year. This loss was made up by withdrawing funds from our reserve GICs and interest on our investments. During the current year, we have been saved from a similar loss by the outstanding success of the Annual Fine Arts Sale in November. Income from the show was sufficient to recover the losses of the previous two years and to allow us to purchase a much needed new projector. However, depending on extraordinary results in our exhibits to cover our operating losses is obviously not a sound way to manage our financial requirements. And since prices for everything we use continue to rise, the situation can only be expected to worsen. Therefore, the Executive recommended that the annual member dues be increased by five dollars. After an extended discussion by the members, the motion to increase the dues was passed by an overwhelming majority vote. Therefore, annual member dues which have been forty dollars for the past four years, will now be forty-five dollars. The projected income from this increase will enable the Guild to return to a healthy operating condition. Submitted by, Victor Smith zvvictors@shazv.ca Woodorking Co-op/Club in North Vancouver: I am looking at setting up a Woodworkers Co-op / Club in North i Vancouver. The Co-op would set up woodworking shop space `that would be available for members to use. Initial thoughts are to have 3000 square foot (approx.) facility setup with power tools (table saw, jointer, drill press, planer, etc), work I tables, dust collection, and some storage. The group would be set up as an association with an initiation fee and monthly dues. The shop would be available on a drop in basis to members. Please contact Steve at 604 836 5114. -- -- PAINTINGS ON DISPLAY: Thanks to Susan Shoults who will be overseeing the painting display at the meetings. There were a couple of dozen member drawings and paintings on display at our last meeting using the theme of "Blue". The theme for the next meeting will be "Rivers" and we look forward to your work on this topic. Gordon Davis will be giving a "PIe/ne A/re" workshop at `Paintei:c Lodge" Campbell River BC May 2729/08. For information ot to make reseniations call 1-800-653-7090 or visit Gordon at 604-926-5619. Or ca/I