4L West Vancoüv&ketch Club) j't. Shore Artists' Gui:id·.·:. . ·.. March 2008 Page 6 ·..ii·1·i 2. .10 I ··. 6 Minutes of Meeting Tuesday, March 18, 2008 1. Jacquie called the meeting to order. Jacquie welcomed the members and guests. Jacquie introduced the members of the executive to the newer members of the club. 2. Adoption of minutes of last meeting: February 19, 2008. Moved by Jim Elton and seconded by Gunvor Arnold. Carried. 3. Executive Reports: a) b) c) -- :g .8 ,L-- 3: 4: · d) e) f) g) h) i) j) Corresponding Secretary: Nell Turner no report. Exhibitions: Heather Luccock no report. Workshops: Frieda Ashworth and Jeri Canderan i. Kiff Holland's and Suzanne Northcott's workshops are both full now. ii. There are 12 spaces left in Lori Sokoluk's watercolour workshop April 19 and 20. She will do landscapes on day 1, abstracts on day 2. Supply lists are available during the break. Financial: Victor Smith no report. Education: June Harman no report. Demo Artist: Kiff Holland. Publicity: Florence Allardice no report. Vice-President: Jacquie Manning Jacquie explained to members regarding the bulletin board and how it may he used to advertise members' workshops, shows, items for sales, etc. Jacquie also explained the pricing for placing advertisements in our newsletter. Jacquie introduced our new second-hand black chairs. Jacquie explained how they must be placed on the chair trees so that they do not sit too high, preventing the trees from getting into the storage space. Elizabeth Gallant will be available to take member photos tonight for those members who would like her to do this. Ongoing venues Jacquie explained that our ongoing venues have "dried up", but in the past the idea of an ongoing venue was to have a painting hanging in a public place for up to 6 months. Because volunteers are required to run the ongoing venue program, Jacquie invited comments from the floor regarding the viability of these shows. Sharon Mason feels they are too much hassle for the value of the venue. Edith Warner suggested this be rental program rather than a free thing. Florence Allardyce was concerned we would have to have a place to show these rental paintings to potential venues, but they could be viewed online via our website. Heather pointed out that the Bank of Montreal and the Chamber of Commerce rio longer exist. New venues would have to be found if we wanted to pursue this further. Nell Turner agrees that these ongoing shows are not that worthwhile. Jacquie asked for a show of hands. By a show of hands, ongoing venues have been scrapped (no one wanted to continue with them.) Membership: Wanda Doyle. Cathy Roddie introduced the 5 new members tonight. Cathy encouraged everyone to greet the new members at break. There are just over 100 members attending tonight. Past President: Larry Achtemichuk no report. -- - -- - - - - - -- 4. New Business: 5. Other Business: Painting themes Cathy Roddie suggested a "theme" could be announced at each meeting and members could bring paintings that fit within this theme to the next month's meeting so that members could enjoy each other's paintings and possibly critique the paintings. This is supposed to be a fun thing to encourage creativity and social networking. Alfonso thinks fewer artists should bring in paintings as he is concerned about the amount of space available. Jacquie invited members to put forth ideas/suggestions. A show of hands indicates that most members would like to try this for a while. Next month's theme will be "blue". Maximum size of 16 x 20, any medium. One painting per member. - --