I Newsletter March, 2008 Nrth Shore Ar1ists' Guild "-- vvwwnsartists.ca P.O. Box 91051 West Vancouver, BC'. V7V3N3 Serving Visual Artists from Furry Creek to Deep Cove since 1947 `ftrmerly West Vancouver Sketch Club) IVL i EMOR A juc President No report at this time. TO .:I_ . .Alfonso Tejada 604-988-4801 atejada@shaw.ca Vice-President Jacquie Manning 604-980-8907 jacqitie@key notetech.com Hello everyone and a big `welcome" to all our new members! I know we are an extremely large club and I also know how hard it is to connect and make frien ds in such a large group of people. The meetings can he overwhelming with the room full of mem bers charging around signing up for workshops and busily sorting out their library books and mag azines before the demo starts. If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to call me or any of the Directors. Our numbers are all in the front of the roster. I would like to give a big "welcome" to Liina MacPherson, our new newsletter editor. Liina is a new member of our guild. Thank-you for jumping into the fray, Liina. Now that we are paring back on our business meeting time in order to carve out more time for discussions, the newsletter is becoming a very important purveyor of guild informati on. I am sad, on the other hand, to have to say good-bye to our current editor, Nancy Dean. Nancy is moving to Tsawwassen in April. I'm sure you will find an artists' community there, Nancy, but am hoping you stay on with us, for a while at least. If you niised Charlotte Grundig's opening at the Silk Purse, do drop in and see it in the next couple of weeks. Charlotte also has a painting in next mon ths show on Greece at the Silk Purse. Larry Achtemichuk, your Past President, and I will be meeting this week with Ian Forsyth, the newly appointed Director of Cultural Affairs for the City and District of North Vancouver. For years our club has enjoyed a mutually beneficial relat ionship with the District of West Vancouve r. For the past couple of years we have been inten tionally exploring artistic relationships and opportunities within the community of North Vancouver, which is home to nearly half our members. Ian Forsyth is actively forging connectio ns with the school system, Capilano College, the Chamber of Commerce and the recreational com munity, of which we are a part. Our high ly successful Annual Fine Art Show at the Parkgate Com munity Centre made a definite impact on this community east of Lions Gate Bridge. I and the other Directors are looking forward to anot her wonderful exhibition and sale this November 9, 2008. So Larry and I want to make sure this new arm of the North Vancouver artistic community is aware of us and of all we have to offer. Thank-you everyone, for your continued participation in and support of our exciting guild. See you at the next meeting! Exhibitions Heather Luccock 604-985-6570 hjluccock@slzazv.c - a Call for Theme Ideas for a possible show at CityScape Art Space I spoke to Linda Feil, the Executive Director of the North Vancouver Community Arts Council, about how the Guild might submit an application for a show at CityScape. She advised that the North Vanc ouver Community Arts Council is now accepting submissions for the Fall 2008/Winter 2009 exhi bibon schedule. One of the requirements is to have a theme. As it happens the date for submissions for the coming Fall and Winter is May 18, 2008. Whether we can get organized to submit by May 18 or not, to get things